Praying man let his daughter die


Is somewhere outhere.
Diabetes is just a Godless theory. There is no evidence it's real. :rolleyes:

I guess it's the same as Kidney or Liver failure,but for diabetics the
pancreas fails to control blood sugar which causes the person
affected to slip into a coma and eventualy die.

Which happened here.If only he was clever enough to give her the
right amount of insulin :rolleyes:
With this dude I'm not sure if I have more contempt or more pity for him. A truly sad individual, for sure...

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
That is a fucking shame, I hope the guy gets life, this guy & his wife are complete :lame: A$$Clowns. fuckin religious extremist apologists "we had NO idea she was that ill" well you if ya FUCKTARDS would've took her too the doctor you would have found out only praying wasn't good enough cuz she needed real MEDICINE for her to get better & live. :mad::thefinger

And although its NOT directly related I think if palin "the church lady" was the VP this guy might have gotten away with what he did, if not get away, the guy would have atleast had a whole lot of pro natural cure extremists supporting him & his wife. :2 cents:
As awful as this is it does not scare me half as much as when elected officials want to invoke god in foreign policy. (Usually Israel.) Did anybody see that goon recently on the climate change committe hearings (senate or house I can't recall.) where he was banging on about how god will make sure we are all OK in his big plan so we don't need to alter our activities.

The bible as a medical manual is bad but the bible as a policy document has it beaten.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
As awful as this is it does not scare me half as much as when elected officials want to invoke god in foreign policy. (Usually Israel.) Did anybody see that goon recently on the climate change committe hearings (senate or house I can't recall.) where he was banging on about how god will make sure we are all OK in his big plan so we don't need to alter our activities.

The bible as a medical manual is bad but the bible as a policy document has it beaten.

I know those religious extremists & religious politicians make ripples in the news, but I don't think any politicians that are in that boat that say or are suggesting god or religion will be the deciding factor in how our laws or activities are concerned and live by, get very much gravitational weight as far as reality goes, we all know, that god nor religion is gonna save us from anything. its what man does to preserve our resources, and mans technology for pretty much everything we depend on & know. :2 cents:
I know those religious extremists & religious politicians make ripples in the news, but I don't think any politicians that are in that boat that say or are suggesting god or religion will be the deciding factor in how our laws or activities are concerned and live by, get very much gravitational weight as far as reality goes, we all know, that god nor religion is gonna save us from anything. its what man does to preserve our resources, and mans technology for pretty much everything we depend on & know. :2 cents:

Remember the Terry Schiavo case?(think that was the name).Politicians(republicans overwhelmingly) let religion influence them there and it was dispicable affair.Even they admit that now.


Young children have no religion. It's not until they're old enough to understand the world around them (and thus religion) that they either become a relious person or they don't. Until a child reaches that point religious adults have no right to force their views on a child like in this case. This is child murder, pure and simple. I would even say he's no better than a fanatical Muslim terrorist because both kill people in the name of their "religion".

here here :thumbsup: