Poverty Inc. a film by Gary Null


Examining the influence of corporate globalization and exposing the destructive nature of our modern financial system, Poverty, Inc. offers a sobering look into how the predatory economic policies instituted by America’s new elite class have contributed to the nation’s descent into Third World status. Engrossing in-depth interviews with some of the world’s finest economists, progressive politicians, investigative reporters and philosophers, as well as the voices of America’s downtrodden reveal the terrifying threats posed by unregulated capitalism and corporate power. Poverty, Inc. is a timely wake-up call for those seeking hard-hitting answers on the economic realities facing our country and world today.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah man.
The wealth goes up and very little comes down.
Thats how it is today. We have a system where a private bank prints and loans our money at interest.
The interest becomes so great that it can never be paid off and the people of that country are enslaved forever.
And the politicians and judges and law makers and heads of GOV agencies are all corrupted.
And the People must make do with less......always less and less.

Use my Brady Bunch theory to help you understand.
Picture the Brady Bunch if they were around today.
How would they be? Would they even exist? So many possibilities, none of which would resemble the Brady Bunch of the early 70's.
Let your imagination go wild.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Looks intriguing. I'll check it out when I have the time to spare. :thumbsup: