Potential Earth-like Planet Found

Do you see us ever building a ship that could carry a whole bunch of people from one star system to another. It's been 40 years since we went to the moon, and let's be honest the technology that took us there really hasnt been upgraded all that much. It's much easier and cheaper these days to use highly powered telescopes and probes to explore the galaxy than any spaceship because they are just to expensive to build.

The logistics of long space flight are also a tricky science to get right, because to travel across a galaxy using only jet propultion would take hundreds maybe even thousands of years (I'm pulling these figures out of my ass so if I'm wrong please correct me). So to tacle long space flight and how to power a craft once thats worked out is going to be very tricky.

But who knows what will happen in the future, money and new technology will come along that might solves all these problems. So you never know, that's even before we can actually study the planet to see whether or not it could actually sustain life, which inevitably most of these planets dont, they are usually either to close or to far from it's star or does not have the correct gases that make up it's atmosphere.


Closed Account
The impoverished Indians and Africans must be looking forward to receiving their tickets.
Hardly they wait us to come
Okay, when are we leaving, got my bags packed :D hey, maybe we conservatives can go over there and let the rest of you all keep this planet and do with it whatever you want without screwing us LOL
Okay, when are we leaving, got my bags packed :D hey, maybe we conservatives can go over there and let the rest of you all keep this planet and do with it whatever you want without screwing us LOL

or you could just kill yourself. much simpler

If there is life. Which would be likely since the planet is a lot like ours. Do they believe in Jesus "Our Lord and Savior"?


Closed Account
I posted a similar article last month. Awesome, huh? That's why I am so gnarled at the war activities which could have rather seen us focusing on expanding to other worlds at a quicker rate.

So near, and yet so far.

The dominant population there is Reptilian.



Closed Account
Why should we care? :dunno: Is it our fault they can't keep up with the rest of the civilized world?

No. It's their fault. Especially the really poor ones. They should have been shot at birth, the lot of them.

Now if you'll excuse me I've got a plane to catch. I'm going to Iraq to oversee a new gas station project. Which is ironic given that Iraq is now a giant gas station.

Remind me to turn all the switches off in my flat(s).
Doesn't really matter. IT would take years to leave our solar system alone. And by years I mean atleast 10.

I mean seriously, if a black hole were to enter the solar system, it would take 10-100 years for Earth to even notice it.
Cant we send the republicans and ALL the muslims there ?

We could then watch the carnage on interplanetary cable on channel 666
"Nearly 350 planets have been found outside our solar system, but so far nearly every one of them was found to be extremely unlikely to harbor life".

Its ironic that we haven't discovered any other kinds of life out in this big old universe of ours. Hmm, I wonder WHY that is :rolleyes:


Closed Account
One would not necessarily have to get there by ship. In a few years time it will be possible to "get there" by signal. If matter can be transported from one place to another, the possibilities are endless.

I was thinking that one could send material across space to another world. This material would then build itself. It would be programmed to replicate, much as plant life does. Basically, one would be able to send all kinds of stuff over - even robots that can assemble themselves before assembling anything else.

An entire factory could build itself.

One should be able to do this:


Albeit not any time soon.

From this, then, one could signal that plant to start beaming over, say, mmm, Republicans. If it was successful, then other people, etc.

(Small article: one of many of such type):


One just needs to signal a spot on that planet. "Paint" it, if you will. This could be done either through light, or if some clever researcher can warp time and space, then faster. Then, one needs to connect with particles on that spot. Then, send over bigger and bigger building blocks, enlarge the area, then sit back and wait for it to happen.

Once a relay station is established, the rest is history.

I think the focus needs to be on this, not on scrabbling around for parts to build rocket ships and for fuel to pump into them.

Maybe a larger corporation could finance this: al la WillE.

:2 cents: