Re: Vote for the Hottest Jpaanese Race Queen Model of 2013
Your vote counts! Use chrome and google translate if you need to. Some serious hotness here---:lovebunny:
For the top girl of 2013. Out of a field of 400 girls who appeared at races over the year, the list has been narrowed down to 20. You can vote once a day every day. My favorite so far is Kamiya Marina.
Re: Vote for the Hottest Jpaanese Race Queen Model of 2013
Your vote counts! Use chrome and google translate if you need to. Some serious hotness here---:lovebunny:
For the top girl of 2013. Out of a field of 400 girls who appeared at races over the year, the list has been narrowed down to 20. You can vote once a day every day. My favorite so far is Kamiya Marina.
Re: Vote for the Hottest Jpaanese Race Queen Model of 2013
Your vote counts! Use chrome and google translate if you need to. Some serious hotness here---:lovebunny:
For the top girl of 2013. Out of a field of 400 girls who appeared at races over the year, the list has been narrowed down to 20. You can vote once a day every day. My favorite so far is Kamiya Marina.