Possible Saudi Arms Sale Stirs Controversy

And 30 billion to Israel.We are the largest arms dealer in the world,but we want peace everywhere.These two facts somehow don't add up.


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The question is, how cheap do we want our oil? Evidently, we think the Sauds will give us a better deal than Iran.


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Personally, I'm not thrilled with either. But Bush wants to keep 'stability', for all the good that's doing us. Neglecting, of course, the Saudi extremists who've grown up in Saud mosques learning to hate the US from state sponsored imams, just as in Iran.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I have a question...why the fuck are we selling weapons to the enemy?
I have a question...why the fuck are we selling weapons to the enemy?

To counter people we see as bigger enemies.Saudis the ruling class at least are even more threatened by Al Queda then we are.Plus we are alarmed by what might be a new power structure in Iraq that favors Iran, another bigger enemy.:ak47::violent:


what the fuck you lookin at?
So what's to stop some crazy fuck from selling the weapons they buy from us to our "bigger" enemies or terrorist groups?
So what's to stop some crazy fuck from selling the weapons they buy from us to our "bigger" enemies or terrorist groups?

We would know if they did.We are going to sell them things like new jet fighters,Osama can't fly it lol.The worst case would be if the saudis fell and a new radical govt came in.Then they would have the jets but probably not many pilots and big problem getting spare parts.Thats what happened to all the stuff the Iranians had when the Shah fell.They had latest American stuff in 79,but lost a lot of the pilots and had real problems getting parts ever since.They are still flying some of those planes ,cannibalizing some for parts and buying parts on black market.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I still can't see why we're helping the saudies. Why can't we just leave our nose out of other people business? Wait I know...OIL! Fuckin greedy bastards americans are!
I still can't see why we're helping the saudies. Why can't we just leave our nose out of other people business? Wait I know...OIL! Fuckin greedy bastards americans are!

Ahh yeah thats the ticket lol.Were addicts and there our pushers/suppliers.;)
So what's to stop some crazy fuck from selling the weapons they buy from us to our "bigger" enemies or terrorist groups?

You think they're that stupid? That would never happen! :jester:

Your tax dollars at work.

Just remember what happened to billions in cash when they had the "insight" to drop pallets of shrink wrapped money into Iraq that suddenly disappeared.


Rice touts new Mideast aid package


what the fuck you lookin at?
You think they're that stupid? That would never happen! :jester:

Your tax dollars at work.

Just remember what happened to billions in cash when they had the "insight" to drop pallets of shrink wrapped money into Iraq that suddenly disappeared.


Rice touts new Mideast aid package


you drop 12 billion in cash ANYWHERE in the world, it's gonna disappear! Let alone a war torn, impoverished shit hole like Iraq!