Rand Paul
I'm more or less "independent," but "limousine liberals" that talk their bullshit good game about taking guns away and doing this that and the other make me more disgusted than anyone on the planet, so I make a special effort to find out who the "limousine liberal" living in their gated community is and vote against them. The fact they have never lived in my world (yes, my house was robbed twice - once at gun point - and I have had guns pulled on me) I have a particular disdain for them and their lying scum offspring trust-fund babies, as if they are hollier than I. That's one thing about "Republicans" I respect; they don't act all holier than thou and spout their particularly disgusting drivel about this that and the other. STFU, lying sack, I don't want to hear it, especially when the top 10 in the U.S. House richest are composed of mostly "liberals." Take your lying shit and buy twenty trucks of food and distribute holidays like I would you yuppy scum, and shut your lying thieving mouths.
I'm all for taking care of "my" needy, in "my" community, but there are no standards, so every turdshit in the Midwest has rotted my community out via locating here for our "system," and it particularly disturbs me to see it has been drained due to freeloaders my great-famliy never intended on trying to build for.
Give me a billion dollars though and I would invest back into it the way it should be, believe me - clinics, schools, churches, I would fund.
So my rant is over, so I say probably Rand. I know I've had a few more as well (not "rinos" or other scum on the "right," either). I know there are some good "liberals" out there as well, and if their policies are proper, I'll be for them.