
I know she's an oldey, but for some reason she is my #1 over the rest. I would REALLY appreciate it if someone... anyone, posted some pic links, bittorrents, or clip links. I Have been hunting her for some time now and any help I can get in my search would be VERY welcome.

(she's the one on the far right)
porsha black light skined girl with moles does anal has done lactation and preggy fucking.you see how porsha shit is slowy disappearing?? what is it about porsha..she was in porn for 6 years and u cant find shit on her with the search engines. does she have some kind of legal thing going on?



what is it about porsha..she was in porn for 6 years and u cant find shit on her with the search engines. does she have some kind of legal thing going on?

Nah it's not that big of a conspiracy. Most Black pornstars from the 80s & 90s in general are hard to find. Try searching for other names from that era and you'll come up with the same result.