
Closed Account
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

the "after pics" look so fake, the word "fake" want to find another word for it. LOL


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Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

You know what? Fuck the haters! I like some of the stars in the industry with some fake tits. Bolt-ons aren't al bad, ya know? ;)


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Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

can any mod. delete this post (post#59) after deleting Sophie Dee's post (#56 above) because I posted her before and by mistake re-posted it again!

Thanks :)


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Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **


Dude I agree: I'm a big fanatic of Sophie's and have lvoe her all the more over the last 2 1/2 years now with her newer tits. Enjyo some much desurved posative rep for making mention of her before I did, I'm so jealous! :)
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

In general, I LOVE fake boobs. However, there are a few that shouldn't do it / have done it. I'm glad Stephanie Swift never got implants - she was always perfect the way she was. Also, I think Teagan Presely's boob job was a mistake. But those are exceptions to my general rule that fake boobs rule!
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

3) Sometimes. Some pornstar really need new boobs while other don't. For me there is a size limit before it looks ridiculous.


Closed Account
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

In general, I LOVE fake boobs. However, there are a few that shouldn't do it / have done it. I'm glad Stephanie Swift never got implants - she was always perfect the way she was. Also, I think Teagan Presely's boob job was a mistake. But those are exceptions to my general rule that fake boobs rule!

Fully agree'd. I'm also glad many young perky women from the '90s porn scene such as the always lovely ladies that are Melissa Hill and Rebecca Lord also never got them. Lovely shorter women such as my future wife/fienace and also those like Melissa and Rebecca who are not even like 5" 1' or over most certainly don't need them.

I always thought Kobe Tai's were quite nice, which is arkward for me, but she is an oddly nice looking hardbody.

I also agee with izabelplayer up above with the fact that it is all more or less in the size of them. I feel that this nice Canadian webcam model that many of us are flirty on here with, Spexy Ashleigh, looks JUST FINE with them, as she only got a full D-Cup. I feel anything over that is a MAJOR no-no and a big waste of they're own income/money resources, but what they hell it is honestly none of our business and it is they're money, so ya know. *shrugs*

But yeah some women in the adult film industry would oddly benefit from them, while others more or less shouldn't think about it. For exaple I do love Wifey's from that Wifey's World site, and if she were more flat-chested would I regualrly seek out her vids? I somehow doubt it. But if she were any bigger, even a full cup size and a half, then she would look ver ridiculous. Just my own :2 cents: as I pretty much agree with you and izabelplayer
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

Some are good, some are better before. Rebecca Linares looked damned near identical to a co-worker before her tit-op (part of the reason I liked her). I like Emma Heart post-boob job more than pre, because the bigger chest matches her bubble butt way more. You win some, you lose some, but as long as I can see them naked and fucking, I don't really care.
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

I always prefer natural over fake. I love big tits but I still prefer small or average in size AND real than big and fake. They just look better to me. But having said that there are some damn good fake ones out there too. I also think like izabelplayer and helovesporn the key is that they don't upsize too much. But sometimes it's just a better boob job in general. I haven't seen before pics but Jayden Jaymes has great fake tits IMO. And Asia Carrera's boob job didn't stop me from watching her, but I haven't seen her in action prior to her boob job either...
There's a couple listed here who I didn't realise they had boobs jobs (I must have been under a rock) and are kinda disappointed now...Sativa Rose and Rebeca Linares were smoking hot as they were!
In the end though I like variety. Small/big, real/fake. My only worry is if they all keep getting boob jobs will there be enough natural boobs left?

Anyway I thought I better add to this thread more positively rather than just rambling lol

Here's Rachel Aziani, who I much preferred with real boobs. Not sure I can post 2 pics on here without hotlinking yet, or I don't know how? so I'll just post the links to the before and after pics.
Before -
After -


Closed Account
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

I always prefer natural over fake. I love big tits but I still prefer small or average in size AND real than big and fake. They just look better to me. But having said that there are some damn good fake ones out there too. I also think like izabelplayer and helovesporn the key is that they don't upsize too much. But sometimes it's just a better boob job in general. I haven't seen before pics but Jayden Jaymes has great fake tits IMO. And Asia Carrera's boob job didn't stop me from watching her, but I haven't seen her in action prior to her boob job either...
There's a couple listed here who I didn't realise they had boobs jobs (I must have been under a rock) and are kinda disappointed now...Sativa Rose and Rebeca Linares were smoking hot as they were!
In the end though I like variety. Small/big, real/fake. My only worry is if they all keep getting boob jobs will there be enough natural boobs left?

Anyway I thought I better add to this thread more positively rather than just rambling lol

Here's Rachel Aziani, who I much preferred with real boobs. Not sure I can post 2 pics on here without hotlinking yet, or I don't know how? so I'll just post the links to the before and after pics.
Before -
After -

Big thanks my good man. Just had to give ya some posative rep to my fellow fresh fish. : )

But yeah like many man I DO of course LOVE tits, and variety is the spice of life. Especially when it comes to something as unique as us men and tits, natch. Like seriously.

And also I find tiny tits CAN sometimes be a bit underrated as well. It all depends on how generally I'm attracted to the gal as well as how big she wishes her implants--rather they'd be salene or silicone what has made a huge come back--that she decides to get. I would advise any & all adult film models and camgirl works to do as my good personal friend who I talk to in her room and on here at her official thread, Spexy Ashleigh, as she noted to first research your doctor and don't just hire any one particular possibbly shady as all fuck conman. Next, as she made mention you'll HAVE to spend a little (no doubt hard-earned isn't it all?) money, estimated at least in & around the seven grand (yes as in $7,000) U.S. dollar mark. Sad but true, such is life and most things have to cost money as opposed to being free of course. And yes: also please tell the doctors that you want as LITTLE scaring of your breast tissue, as that can be a turn-off immdiately for many of us men, and next also please NEVER ever under any circumstance, go over a full D-Cup. A large nice C-Cup is near perfect for most of us like me, especially if you are blessed with being several inches taller and are nice 'n model-perfect. Spexy Ashleigh's (new) tits are delicious looking. I SO can't wait until some more newer pics are added to those links, though.

But all in all yeah: I'm perfectly fine with tit-jobs on an adult model or adult film star. As long as they don't like desperate as well. Provided like Roxanne Hall or Layla Jade (oddly enough both britons I just now realized as I made mention of them) that they look good and not too circular or ridiculous, PLEASE oh please DO NOT get them like Daphne Rosen's current pair which I and many others feel completely ruined her body (as well as her fucking lip-injections. ugh:crying:) with her latest pair. After her initial weight loss and her second pair her tits were wonderful, oddly perfect and fine. NOW look at what a just plain weird, artificial looking mess she is. :( So sad no matter who or what group of fans of her's as I used to me defends her. Now she looks totally spent and ruined and she is barely like 32 or somethin'.

So please ladies, yeah, stay cool & safe and DO NOT listen to the jerks and please tgo to a nice legit city doctor with some history and nice photos and do your research. But also remember that while we all love tits, both perky, small and medium as well as larger even with some notable stretch marks (yeah, I know) like the lovely Gianna Michael's and the like has, many of us like me are also big Ass-Men as well as tit lovers. ;) Just had to throw that out there now. ;)
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **


Dude I agree: I'm a big fanatic of Sophie's and have lvoe her all the more over the last 2 1/2 years now with her newer tits. Enjyo some much desurved posative rep for making mention of her before I did, I'm so jealous! :)

I think her ass is looking a lot better now aswell... her whole figure suits her really well right now.
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **

In my opinion fake tits ruin most girls. I can't believe Amia Miley would ever get fake tits. She had the nicest natural ones. Ladies STICK TO WHAT GOD GAVE YOU!

I'm gonna have to agree. There are some who have what it takes body wise for a grade A fake rack, but most do not, and have not made improvement to their frame. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times:

There is no such thing as making a good rack better.
Re: Pornstars with fake tits ** Before & After **


And also I find tiny tits CAN sometimes be a bit underrated as well.

Exactly. Brianna Love springs to mind personally. I love her face and cute little nipples. AND man what an arse. What she lacks in breast size she sure makes up for in other ways. I have to give props to her for staying natural even though she probably has some the smallest if not the smallest boobs in the industry. But thats something that sets her apart from so many others. Tori Black is another. Please no one tell me these 2 have had their boobs done recently....

And continuing on from the 2 previous posts. Most of the time I think that is true. If it ain't broke why fix it? I can't recall thinking any have actually improved their assets by upsizing. Some come close to being as good as they were pre-op. Carmella Bing, Alanah Rae and Laura Lion spring to mind. I have to agree again with HeLovesPorn, on his opinion of Spexy Ashleigh's boob job. Had to look for some pics of her with her new ones to compare and I must say they do look quite good :) Most times though I just wonder why ruin perfection and individuality.

Another deciding factor for me is when I come across a model or pornstar with fake boobs, I find if I haven't seen the before of them and its a good boob job (ie Jayden Jaymes or Devon Lee) then it's easier to look past the fact they are fake. I guess they kinda 'grow' on me :) But when it's someone who has great boobs and THEN gets a boob job 9 times out of 10 I'm always disappointed and don't find her as attractive as I did before.