To all of the guys here parroting that pun about Tera Patrick (or Asia Carrera or whatever Oriental chick that's the whiteboy flavor of the week) "only doing interracial since she only has worked with white guys," understand that this line is not only old - it's also inaccurate.
"Interracial" in pornspeak basically means sexual contact with black men or women, especially between white and black. The porn indutry, operated mostly by mob wannabe Jewish and Italian guys and/or Redneck/Okies, still deals in the basest of stereotypes and perceptions in regards to black men and women as sub-human.
Furthermore, the taunts and teasings from some of the posters towards this thread and its author, only show their contempt and fear of the interracial genre.
:wtf: That made sense, nice of you to mention the fear of "interracial genre" when referring to people as "white boys" and other stereotypical names.