I don't dislike any porn stars or have anything against them. I think you should know someone before you form an opinion of them. Crazy, right?
I've never understood the fixation/fascination with Miss Hybrid though. She's just sort of meh to me. That's just my opinion. Your entitled to yours, and it's probably different. So be it.
Different strokes my dear friend. Different strokes.
*counting the seconds til "The Mob" invades from the "Games" section....*

Is that where they've been hiding? :1orglaugh
Most of the FreeOnes top 20 list ... etc. etc. etc.
It was too long for me to quote. WOW!!! That's all I can say as I don't know most of the ladies on your "hit list". :ak47: :1orglaugh
I don't get the fascination with Misshybrid either. Looks wise she's attractive.
Different strokes my dear friend. Different strokes.
As for personality, I've seen her blow a stack on another forum and drop the nice personality like a sack of shit:1orglaugh, only because she wasn't getting all the attention she wanted.
I think you're right!
Miss Hybrid does bite!
And I'll volunteer to be bitten!
Miss Hybrid is an OCSM not Mother Teresa. Hell have no fury... lol
That's women for ya. Women blow their stack every now and then. At least once a month.
You've blown your stack a few times right here at the free land of porn.
Is that not true, BadNewsBewes?
I get the feeling she's not called Miss Hybrid for nothing. In bed I'll bet she's a cross between a giselle and a wild tiger. This makes for a good time in the sack. Miss Hybrid will you make me blow my stack? :banana:
To make a further point on personality, Miss freeones ended over 2 months ago. I see no other winners crowing about it or using victory banners around the board.
After the first Miss FO contest Bree Olson was heavily criticised for doing the exact opposite of what you are accusing Miss Hybrid of. It seems to me that when you become successful you will be criticised by some no matter what you do.
Some of the other winners hardly post on the board. Sophie Dee has only made 7 posts since 10th Jan. I think Miss Hybrid promoting her achievement is a good thing for freeones and its members or do you prefer the Sophie Dee approach? :dunno:
Even gold medal winners at the olympics are not crowing of victory 2 months later. Being a braggart is kind of insulting to the other competitors in the same category. Just my view. I'm not wanting to insult any OCSM's, just sayin how I see your opinion. :2 cents:
Assuming they don't have to hand back the gold for doping offences, most gold medal winners from the olympics will use their gold medals to promote themselves and obtain sponsorship for at least 4 years and longer if they are smart enough. You may not notice it but I'm sure they do. You would have to be extremely naive or very shy not too as most athletes have very short careers. :2 cents:
If the Toronto Maple Leafs or Minnesota Wild win a hockey title and choose to celebrate for six months or six years using victory adverts in newspapers and banners on websites it's not insulting to the other competitors in the same hockey league IMO.
So, my advise to Miss Hybrid is as follows:
Keep doing what you're doing as it's clearly working. Miss Euro Babe 2011. :clap:
Make sure you take advantage of the opportunities that arise.
And finally, don't worry about BadNewsBewes.
He's not a fan so "
it doesn't matter" what he thinks. It's just his opinion. This is mine. lol