Thanks. Yeah, I was pretty happy myself when I found her!

Keep your fingers crossed she'll continue shooting! I think she's got HUGE potential!
I though Sienna Splash would be fastest rising star of the '93's, but sadly it looks like she vanished as fast as she arrived... Too bad. I was hoping she was the next Satcy Valentine. But now my bet's on Molly for the next big thing.
There wern't really many that girls of '93 that made a
big impact, you know what I mean? Most of them dropped out after a couple of scenes. Mary Jane Johnson had a good run - if she didn't got pregnant I think she'd be a huge upcoming star now.
I wonder why the girls of '93 had susch a short run... I hope the biz isn't going to rough on them? Ok, the scenes are getting harder, but I thought the "climate" around the biz was getting more and more relaxed though to that porn is mainstream and accepted now? I hope I'm not too naive...
Anyways, don't forget to keep track on the next ones though, maybe in the '94-leauge things will really happen!