Porno Valley?

Have any of you seen the UK documentary series Porno Valley. I haven't because I live in Canada. I'd like to hear people's opinions about this series, because I was thinking of buying it directly from the production company.


It's good to be the king...
lol look at the URL of the second link, what a site haha


It's good to be the king...

I saw a few episodes of Porno Valley when it was on here. I got bored quickly. It followed a few stars round a bit, with some small interviews. Briana Banks was one (while she was having the breast enlargement.... not during the op. Before and after. You know what I mean.) Savannah Samson I think and... some others. I forget because, like I say, I lost interest quickly. There was nothing new, nothing gripping, and very little to look at. That's all my humble opinion obviously. But unless you really want to see some inane interviews with said stars, or see producers fretting about this and that box cover, I'd save your money. Maybe someone else really enjoyed it tho and can give you more details.

Hope that helps!
Paroxysmia said:
I believed that Porno Valley was the San Fernando Valley in LA, the Mecque of the US porno...
It is.
Louis Theroux did a good documentary on the porn industry a few years ago, it was a bit tongue in cheek but good :)
It's on in Canada all the time. Every weekend it's on Showcase at night.

It's alright, I guess. There's a few entertaining scenes. All the girls are stuck up snobs who always get what they want and talk shit behind the other pornstars back.

Briana Banks is definetly a coke head too, if you watch how she speaks/acts.

There's another show just like it too. Pornoland, or something like that.
There was a hilarious scene in which Briana Banks tried to "punish" an unpopular star in an all girl anal gangbang scene.She reamed her hard with a strap on but unfortunately the girl enjoyed it, at the end of the scene Briana says "never underestimate an intelligent person".

Oh right.
Is it like a reality show for porn? :sleep: