Any of you guys knows some porn tube site but where even the users can upload videos not only the webmaster ?
I don't have my own videos but have some others and i wanna upload them on some site so other can view them too.
Most porn tube sites generally allow infringement of copy-written, etc. material. It's been in the past that FOs mods have discouraged such threads and discussions on their site.
The OP says expressly that he doesn't have (his) own material nor does he indicate that the material he has is amateur or his to do so with freely.
It's weird to see somebody ask this,'cause I was gonna start a similar thread later. Only I want to know the best place to upload a video that my girl and I plan to make. Our own content, nothing stolen.
It's weird to see somebody ask this,'cause I was gonna start a similar thread later. Only I want to know the best place to upload a video that my girl and I plan to make. Our own content, nothing stolen.
I suppose on any search engine you could use the word "amateur" and that should get you there...but any will do in that case which allow graphic material.