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Porn Star Megan Jones Arrested On Animal Cruelty Charges - Are Fetish Videos Going Too Far?

I'm not usually one to judge people's sexual fetishes but anyone with a fetish of seeing live animals get shot while stimulating someones genitals should seek counseling quickly. That person might be treatable, incarceration will do them no good, rehabilitation is needed.

As for the people filming this and doing this act, punish them.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
First off let me say this. I have no respect, or compassion for anyone that is cruel to an animal. I have no problem with killing to eat, including shooting rabbits in accordance with dept. of wildlife guidelines, and regulations, during season, nor do I have a problem with extermination, of vermin, provided they do it, in as human a way as possible. In the old days, they killed chickens on the farm, by cutting off their heads, but they did it for FOOD, not pleasure.


People that do shit like this for enjoyment, or as a job, for the enjoyment of other sick fuckers, should be bitch slapped by karma, until they bleed out of their eye sockets. And the sick fuckers that create a market for this shit, need to be ass fucked with the sharp end of a rake.
Over a rat?

PETA kills more animals than your local animal kill shelter. Hypocrites.

These charges are probably trumped up and she will be released soon.

Trumped up charges.

PETA aside, because they indeed ARE hypocritical asses, yes- over a rat. Or bats, chickens, mice, anything. If you derive some thrill from watching the suffering of other creatures- there is something fucking wrong with you (General you, not you specifically, Will). Yes, something mentally wrong. This isn't a "different strokes for different folks" thing- you are not right in the head if you enjoy watching things die or suffer for excitement.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Shooting rabbits, the hunter do it as well...
decapitating chickens, they do the same thing in farm... and the chinkens that you eat are generally killed by hydrocution so that's worse than cutting head (also could be fun to watch)
so, for these two it's fine if she eats them
now that's is sick setting rats on fire burning an animal alive that's the most cruel thing that you can do, she deserve to be hardly punished! who's with me to an anal gangbang with pissing? :D

Maybe you don't hunt, maybe you've never been on a farm and maybe you don't know anything about firearms or types of firearms. But no farmer uses hedge clippers to repeatedly cut or slice a chicken's neck open. You use an ax or hatchet and deliver one quick blow... or you wring its neck and it instantly dies (even though may it run around for a few seconds, that's a muscle reaction - it's actually dead). As far as rabbit hunting, hunters don't generally use air powered pellet rifles or BB gun$ to rabbit hunt. You'd rabbit hunt with a shotgun or maybe a .22 rifle. Hunters want quick kills. NO HUNTER gets off on making an animal suffer - like this $5 whore did. Stop making excuses for her! The only thing that pisses me off more than the sick pieces of shit that harm animals, children or the elderly are the people that make excuses for them or rationalize their fucked up actions!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
PETA aside, because they indeed ARE hypocritical asses, yes- over a rat. Or bats, chickens, mice, anything. If you derive some thrill from watching the suffering of other creatures- there is something fucking wrong with you (General you, not you specifically, Will). Yes, something mentally wrong. This isn't a "different strokes for different folks" thing- you are not right in the head if you enjoy watching things die or suffer for excitement.



I have no use for PETA either. But on this, I'm 100% on their side.

And to answer my own original question (Are Fetish Videos Going Too Far?), I believe they are.


Maybe you don't hunt, maybe you've never been on a farm and maybe you don't know anything about firearms or types of firearms. But no farmer uses hedge clippers to repeatedly cut or slice a chicken's neck open. You use an ax or hatchet and deliver one quick blow... or you wring its neck and it instantly dies (even though may it run around for a few seconds, that's a muscle reaction - it's actually dead). As far as rabbit hunting, hunters don't generally use air powered pellet rifles or BB gun$ to rabbit hunt. You'd rabbit hunt with a shotgun or maybe a .22 rifle. Hunters want quick kills. NO HUNTER gets off on making an animal suffer - like this $5 whore did. Stop making excuses for her! The only thing that pisses me off more than the sick pieces of shit that harm animals, children or the elderly are the people that make excuses for them or rationalize their fucked up actions!
no, no i don't search excuses i have only read that Shooting rabbits, decapitating chickens, setting rats on fire: It sounds too sickening to be true, but sadly, one pornographic actress made a living committing these sorts of crimes in fetish videos.
so didn't know that she makes suffer the :chickendance: and the :lovebunny: for the fun.
so, sorry if i piss you off i just said what i think it's all.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No problem. Don't worry about it. :hatsoff:
IMO if there's any kind of commercially made porn that crosses the line then animal torture/snuff porn would be it.

Yet at the same time the killing & torturing of animals is tolerated for unnecessary recreational activities such as sports hunting/fishing and even other sorts of media -just watch an episode of fear factor where they crush and/or eat live animals- so it's hypocritical to single out porn for it. The animals aren't suffering more due to the presence of a camera or the bikini the girl is wearing.

This isn't about animal cruelty, it's about obscenity, and if it's to be illegal then it should be illegal across the board, not just porn.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
IMO if there's any kind of commercially made porn that crosses the line then animal torture/snuff porn would be it.

Yet at the same time the killing & torturing of animals is tolerated for unnecessary recreational activities such as sports hunting/fishing and even other sorts of media -just watch an episode of fear factor where they crush and/or eat live animals- so it's hypocritical to single out porn for it. The animals aren't suffering more due to the presence of a camera or the bikini the girl is wearing.

This isn't about animal cruelty, it's about obscenity, and if it's to be illegal then it should be illegal across the board, not just porn.

At least in my state, it is illegal to use certain types of traps because they are considered inhumane. You also must use a certain minimum caliber of firearm for larger game, so that the animal has less chance of wandering off and dying, suffering or just being wounded. And the whole point of hunting (for food) is NOT to have the animal suffer because a heightened adrenaline level taints the meat. And on TV based hunting shows, you do not see the animal take the hit or the arrow strike. I don't know if it's the FCC that prevents that or if it's the decision of the producers or broadcasters.

I assume on Fear Factor they eat worms, grubs or whatever - not mammals or even rodents. I've never seen the show. Even if she had me tied up and Megan Jones shot me with her little BB gun, I couldn't be forced to watch reali-trash TV. But I'm relatively certain that under no circumstances would these shows be allowed to torture so much as a snake, a gold fish or a frog without PETA (or law enforcement) coming down on their heads.

But yes, you are correct: my question more focuses on how far is too far for certain fetish videos. Obscenity is decided based on community standards, as determined by the Supreme Court. Right now, the (selective) prosecutions by the current Holder-led DoJ seem based on factors such as race, gender, religion and political party affiliation - sadly, no different than many of the other crooked Attorneys General that we've had. I have a VERY libertarian view on the matter. Although there is a great deal of fetish porn that I do not care for and would never watch, as long as the people involved are of an age of consent and are capable of consenting to the activities that they are engaging in, I say have at it. But once you involve animals, children or the (mentally) incapacitated, in my view you are a predatory animal and may deserve what you get. Some people (straight up and hard working) get what they deserve. Predatory opportunists, who exist and prosper off the base desires of a weak-minded population... IMO, those people deserve what they get.

To make my point even clearer, there is a reason why many of the men in M/f-Maledom scenes wear hoods or disguises and the women in F/m-Femdom porn don't have to. Obama/Holder *may* pay a visit to your door if you are a dominant male actor doing an identical scene that a dominant female actress has done, if the woman is in a sub position. In the Megan Jones case, a male actor is the same position would surely have been castigated and would likely be in hiding, if not jail, right now. Max Hardcore, anyone? ;) As in many other areas, Obama/Holder seem content to let certain types of people run wild, as long as they are on their list of "protected members of society". My fear is that their selective and irresponsible actions now may eventually lead to another self-imposed Cambria List that is MUCH more restrictive than the original one. And that may affect some of the fetish porn that I happen to enjoy. The pendulum always swings back.
At least in my state, it is illegal to use certain types of traps because they are considered inhumane. You also must use a certain minimum caliber of firearm for larger game, so that the animal has less chance of wandering off and dying, suffering or just being wounded.
I see those as little more than symbolical/political gestures for the benefit of those of us who care, society at large still tolerates the unnecessary suffering & killing of beasts just the same. You think hunter's bullets, arrows/bolts, spears, hooks and traps get one-hit-kills like clockwork? Do you know of many humane ways to kill a snake?

Perspective: even the ammunition used by military worldwide undergoes the same sort of scrutiny and regulation in its design in order to lessen the suffering of injured combatants, yet you'll get your legs shot off just the same.

And the whole point of hunting (for food) is NOT to have the animal suffer because a heightened adrenaline level taints the meat.
Let's not be naive here, most hunting in the western world(also the porn producing world) is done for fun, not for food/need.

I don't really see the point of arguing that hunters have reasons to not want the animals to suffer either. Adrenaline tainting the meat? Short of a surprise bullet to the brain I don't know of many ways in which an animal won't die before flooding its system with adrenaline. You think animals in slaughterhouses aren't terrified of what's about to happen? The documentaries/footage shows otherwise and yet the meat tastes fine just the same. Evidently any desire a hunter has to lessen an animal's suffering is made irrelevant by his desire to frigging kill it to begin with. Sounds like one of the absurd pro-hunting arguments IMO.

And it's funny you should bring up tainted meat too. Do you eat pork? Because pretty much any male pig raised as livestock had its balls cruelly ripped off as a baby, leaving it with a bleeding stump just because the testosterone would otherwise give the meat a lesser flavor. Do you think that's humane? Piglets are even as cute as puppies yet nobody gives a shit because nobody has to watch it. We throw away half the food we produce too, so how much of that suffering, how many of those deaths were really necessary?

And on TV based hunting shows, you do not see the animal take the hit or the arrow strike. I don't know if it's the FCC that prevents that or if it's the decision of the producers or broadcasters.
Don't know about TV but I've seen documentaries about rich westerners paying good money to kill captivity-bred lions and such and they show the killings and they weren't clean.

I assume on Fear Factor they eat worms, grubs or whatever - not mammals or even rodents. I've never seen the show. Even if she had me tied up and Megan Jones shot me with her little BB gun, I couldn't be forced to watch reali-trash TV. But I'm relatively certain that under no circumstances would these shows be allowed to torture so much as a snake, a gold fish or a frog without PETA (or law enforcement) coming down on their heads.
Pretty sure PETA has complained, but then they'd even complain about disney movies using furry characters, they've made themselves irrelevant.

On fear factor you see them eat live insects, animal semen and feces, blend frogs/amphibians, bite live rodents, smack around pigs and often the contestants will accidentally roll on/stomp live rats, snakes, frogs etc (at the same time they won't show the contestants puking because that would be too gross for TV apparently).

Nobody cares because:
-None of those animals are cute.
-It's not porn

It's not just fear factor either, I've seen people killing/eating live animals on food shows in exotic locations. If these girls had decapitated chickens, killed vermin, skinned rabbits and boiled live lobsters for a cooking show instead nobody would have given a shit and I'm sure PETA regularly complains about those shows too. To an insect getting crushed for a video it doesn't really matter whether the spectator is going to be masturbating to it as a fetish or laughing his ass off at the look of disgust on some reality tv bozo's face as he chews on it. The animal is suffering just the same.

Not knowing what was actually in the full sosbarn videos(the previews were obscene to me but not what I'd consider animal abuse/cruelty) it's hard to judge whether this was a legitimate case of protecting animal rights rather than persecuting the vilest of pornographers for doing something that wasn't illegal and that other media get away with doing.

But going off what we do know of how society treats livestock and vermin I have a hard time buying this narrative that these arrests were primarily out of concern towards invertebrates, rats, chickens and rabbits, especially considering that they arrested the girls after letting the statute of limitations pass. They weren't really interested in trialing them for a crime(if there was one), they just wanted to send a clear message to pornographers to stop making this kind of garbage.

On the one hand I'm glad since I care about animals(the cute ones that don't eat people at least) and like the principle that animals shouldn't be harmed/killed for something as trivial as entertainment/pornography. On the other hand I am suspicious of any attempt at censoring or ostracizing pornography. Imagine a college cop who lets white kids jaywalk all the time but suddenly arrests a gypsy kid for it. Would you see it as an overall victory for road safety or discrimination against a minority?

But yes, you are correct: my question more focuses on how far is too far for certain fetish videos.
That's the real question and a very hard one considering pornography hardly has an objective legal definition to begin with. Until it is clearly defined/recognized then the only way to limit what can be shown/done in pornography will be to limit all media in general/freedom of speech. If reality TV can show it should it still be illegal for porn to do so?

Obscenity is decided based on community standards, as determined by the Supreme Court.
And the "serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, prurient interest" schtick simply boils it down to the standards of a particular judge/jury, IMO it's a useless definition since it allows them to apply double standards. People vomiting in a teen comedy? A-Ok! People vomiting in a porno? Obscene! In most european countries if something is illegal to depict it is explicitly stated so in the law, otherwise you can have at it. Of course they try to make anything they find gross illegal just the same, they just have to find a different reason for banning it(BDSM for promoting violence against women, zooporn for animal torture, scat for health hazard).

Right now, the (selective) prosecutions by the current Holder-led DoJ seem based on factors such as race, gender, religion and political party affiliation - sadly, no different than many of the other crooked Attorneys General that we've had. I have a VERY libertarian view on the matter. Although there is a great deal of fetish porn that I do not care for and would never watch, as long as the people involved are of an age of consent and are capable of consenting to the activities that they are engaging in, I say have at it.
Yeah, freedom ends where other's rights begin, the only rational way.

But once you involve animals, children or the (mentally) incapacitated, in my view you are a predatory animal and may deserve what you get.
I wouldn't equate a human being's right to have consented to sex on the same level as a beast's inability to consent to anything. We don't grant them the same rights as human beings, starting with the same rights to life as has been the topic of this thread. Considering Mr Ed has no say on whether he's turned into glue/dogfood I'd say getting sucked off by Ava Devine is pretty low on the list of transgressions against his well-being.

To make my point even clearer, there is a reason why many of the men in M/f-Maledom scenes wear hoods or disguises and the women in F/m-Femdom porn don't have to. Obama/Holder *may* pay a visit to your door if you are a dominant male actor doing an identical scene that a dominant female actress has done, if the woman is in a sub position. In the Megan Jones case, a male actor is the same position would surely have been castigated and would likely be in hiding, if not jail, right now. Max Hardcore, anyone? ;) As in many other areas, Obama/Holder seem content to let certain types of people run wild, as long as they are on their list of "protected members of society". My fear is that their selective and irresponsible actions now may eventually lead to another self-imposed Cambria List that is MUCH more restrictive than the original one. And that may affect some of the fetish porn that I happen to enjoy. The pendulum always swings back.
As long as the statistics say that the majority of inter-gender violence(sexual or otherwise) is perpetrated by males there will be an argument against pornography for promoting objectification/violence/etc against women, and you can't have a different opinion without looking like an asshole.

Just have women start raping men more often, statistical problem solved. :rofl: