Porn Parodies Just Begging to Be Done

A few that would be good titles with a little tweaking:
-Robin Wood (I'd personally like to see a character named Friar Fuck in this one.)
-Hairy Pooter
-Shaving Private Ryan
-The Twilight Saga: New Poon
-Phallus in Wonderland
-Shitter Island
-The Sperminator

Some that could remain unchanged:
-How to Train Your Dragon
-Clash of the Tit-ans
-Furry Vengeance
-Toy Story
-The Pink Panther
Peter surestimates his anus.

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I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Sadly enough I can perdict a porn parody of the jersey shore
All In The Family
Dukes Of Hazard
Grounded For Life
Tool Time (that title begs for it)
The Nanny
Hot in Cleveland (again, the title begs for it)