Porn is Evil and a Sin and promoted by Satan/The Devil this is my opinion.



Postal Paranoiac
Porn is Evil and a Sin and promoted by Satan/The Devil this is my opinion.

You're sure right. And something outta be done about all of these sexually perverted men, women and OCSMs who parade their nether regions around like it's a parade. God save us!! Why did you give me a scrotum in the first place???

Jon S.

Porn is Evil and a Sin and promoted by Satan/The Devil this is my opinion.
Excuse me sir, it would appear that you have confused porn with Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck!

Besides, even God fucks up! He created you didn't he?
It is.

You're right.

...but your beef is not with porn, it's with the existence of sin. You'll be spinning your wheels til' you're spinning in your grave if you decide to sit back and nitpick smaller aspects of human nature that you can't change. Truth is, we all choose the sins we want to live with. Nobody's above it. Not even you. So knowing that, go cast stones elsewhere.