porn industry.

if they do that , why i cant?

1st - You're asking this question on the wrong forum. FO's talk is more for discussion about general subjects than about "getting started in the porn biz." I would guide you to the two other forums, but I don't know if it is allowed.

2nd - You need to have capital and some business acumen and not let your little head think in place of the big head. It takes more than holding a camcorder and taking pictures of naked chicks. You need to market your product and try to get people to "buy" your product.

Based on your posts, good fucking luck. I'll leave it at that.

:2 cents:
OP..just go buy a bunch of Fleshlights and then sell them to out-of-work Wall St types who are waiting in the unemployment line. Look at'll be right at the "convergence of opportunity" -- product (you), customer (them), money (unemployment check).