.....want higher taxes
Here's an instructive lesson from the past on these things...Remember when GOPers pursued the impeachment of Clinton over the objections of the nation?
This is different but their calculus on these types of issues is the same.
1.) They reckon they can shape public opinion after the fact no matter what the reality is. They're not wrong either, what cost did they pay for impeaching Clinton over the objections of the country...?? Hell, they even got the next president out of the deal. US Americans....
2.) It was more important to establish Clinton as an impeached president than what was in the best interest of the country...similarly they would love nothing more than to hang around Obama's neck the president who defaulted America. It would fit firmly into their theme of campaign talking points.
3.) They figure no matter what the polling is on them..It's the president's show and he is the one who will forever be associated with the circumstance, they won't.
4.) Too bad we can't recall some of these bastards when they try to pull these stunts...
Here's an instructive lesson from the past on these things...Remember when GOPers pursued the impeachment of Clinton over the objections of the nation?
This is different but their calculus on these types of issues is the same.
1.) They reckon they can shape public opinion after the fact no matter what the reality is. They're not wrong either, what cost did they pay for impeaching Clinton over the objections of the country...?? Hell, they even got the next president out of the deal. US Americans....
2.) It was more important to establish Clinton as an impeached president than what was in the best interest of the country...similarly they would love nothing more than to hang around Obama's neck the president who defaulted America. It would fit firmly into their theme of campaign talking points.
3.) They figure no matter what the polling is on them..It's the president's show and he is the one who will forever be associated with the circumstance, they won't.
4.) Too bad we can't recall some of these bastards when they try to pull these stunts...
The debt ceiling debate is unfortunately more about politics than economics -- and it looks like Republicans could be the big losers, according to polling.
AP PhotoThe night before President Barack Obama gives the State of the Union address, the lights of the U.S. Capitol are seen in an ice-covered reflecting pool on Capitol Hill in Washington.
Their actions and positions on things like raising taxes are way out of touch with where voters are.
The Atlantic did a roundup of recent polls on the debt ceiling, which must be raised by Aug. 2 or the United States will default. A CBS poll found 49 percent would blame Republicans if there's no deal and only 29 percent would blame President Obama. And 71 percent disapprove of Republicans' handling of the issue.
An ABC News/Washington Post survey showed 48 percent trusts Obama on the debt limit, while 39 percent trusts House Republicans. And even 57 percent of Republicans want a compromise, even if they disagree with it, according to a Gallup/USA Today poll. Here's a red flag: 72 percent of independents say the same thing.