Polls: Americans will blame Republicans for no debt ceiling deal...

.....want higher taxes

Here's an instructive lesson from the past on these things...Remember when GOPers pursued the impeachment of Clinton over the objections of the nation?

This is different but their calculus on these types of issues is the same.

1.) They reckon they can shape public opinion after the fact no matter what the reality is. They're not wrong either, what cost did they pay for impeaching Clinton over the objections of the country...?? Hell, they even got the next president out of the deal. :facepalm: US Americans....

2.) It was more important to establish Clinton as an impeached president than what was in the best interest of the country...similarly they would love nothing more than to hang around Obama's neck the president who defaulted America. It would fit firmly into their theme of campaign talking points.

3.) They figure no matter what the polling is on them..It's the president's show and he is the one who will forever be associated with the circumstance, they won't.

4.) Too bad we can't recall some of these bastards when they try to pull these stunts...

The debt ceiling debate is unfortunately more about politics than economics -- and it looks like Republicans could be the big losers, according to polling.

AP PhotoThe night before President Barack Obama gives the State of the Union address, the lights of the U.S. Capitol are seen in an ice-covered reflecting pool on Capitol Hill in Washington.
Their actions and positions on things like raising taxes are way out of touch with where voters are.

The Atlantic did a roundup of recent polls on the debt ceiling, which must be raised by Aug. 2 or the United States will default. A CBS poll found 49 percent would blame Republicans if there's no deal and only 29 percent would blame President Obama. And 71 percent disapprove of Republicans' handling of the issue.

An ABC News/Washington Post survey showed 48 percent trusts Obama on the debt limit, while 39 percent trusts House Republicans. And even 57 percent of Republicans want a compromise, even if they disagree with it, according to a Gallup/USA Today poll. Here's a red flag: 72 percent of independents say the same thing.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here's the part that really confuses me. In most every poll I've seen, 6 in 10 Republicans are saying "Git R Done!"... and yet the GOP leadership is listening to the squeaky wheels in the TEA Party (who are a minority). :confused:

And you've got that one new TEA Party Congressional freshman (from Illinois?) who says he's not worried about a default. He says nothing bad will happen. Course, then it came out that he's had his house foreclosed on, has had tax liens against him and his credit is so bad that he couldn't buy a stale candy bar on credit from the Kwik Kafe guy.

I don't care where a person stands politically. But my feeling is, if you don't understand basic economics, you have NO business having a voice in this (complex) process. In my world, if you're dissatisfied with a plant manager, you don't fire him and then put the janitor in charge! But unfortunately, that's about all some of these "grass roots" TEA Party people are. I respect the fact that many of them do have a sincere desire to get a handle on the nation's fiscal woes. But they're ignorant of the economy, business and geopolitics. Why in the FUCK would someone elect a guy who hasn't paid his own bills or taxes and then expect him to have a frickin' clue about any number with a $ sign in front of it???!!! For fuck's sake! Hayseeds and flies... you can't have a nice picnic with either of them around! :brick:
John Boehner isn't even in charge of his own party. Everybody know Cantor and the Tea Party are calling the shots. Boehner needs to step up and show some leadership and get his party in line.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
John Boehner isn't even in charge of his own party. Everybody know Cantor and the Tea Party are calling the shots. Boehner needs to step up and show some leadership and get his party in line.

I was going to poke some fun at Stan Scratch cause Johnny Boner is from his state. But then it dawned on me, Eric Can Whore is from my state. :crying: I offer my apologies to the board and the nation for us bringing this horned devil, spawn of Satan to your door step. I am truly, truly sorry. We'll try to fix it in the next election. Most of us are nice people. But clearly, some of us are fucked up beyond redemption.

As for Stan Scratch... well... well... uh... hmm... I know: at least our little shit kicker doesn't cry at the drop of a hat! So there! :nanner:

Damn, this is like telling a guy that his sister has big feet... when your own sister wears a size 15!


Closed Account

Nearly 90% of Americans say Social Security and Medicare are good for the country and most say they should be left as they are.

Despite that the GOP STILL INSIST on making propaosals to cut social security(Bush after 2004 elections) and Medicare(Ryan plan) and the cuts they are Now demanding under threat of LOAN DEFAULT.

Because they take their followers for granted just as DEms do the with Progressives. Who else are they gonna vote for? At worst some frustrated Republicans would stay at home ,but they won't vote DEmocrat.

The Gop has brainwashed and walked over poor Southern Whites for decades(always threatening to cut SS/Medicare and other programs they depend on HEAVILY here) yet they continue to vote OVERWHELMINGLY Republican(in the 80-90% range in some Deep South States).:brick:


My Penis Is Dancing!
I was going to poke some fun at Stan Scratch cause Johnny Boner is from his state. But then it dawned on me, Eric Can Whore is from my state. :crying: I offer my apologies to the board and the nation for us bringing this horned devil, spawn of Satan to your door step. I am truly, truly sorry. We'll try to fix it in the next election. Most of us are nice people. But clearly, some of us are fucked up beyond redemption.

As for Stan Scratch... well... well... uh... hmm... I know: at least our little shit kicker doesn't cry at the drop of a hat! So there! :nanner:

Damn, this is like telling a guy that his sister has big feet... when your own sister wears a size 15!

Even better yet...he is from my district, where he is hailed as a hero.
During my time as a newspaper reporter, I got to interview John, many years ago in 1991 when he was first starting out with the House. It was a fucking brutal interview.
Mind you, per my editor, it was a pure fluff piece. I did my best to pull a great quote out of the guy (and, if I may say so, I was damn good at that) - but I am pretty sure the wood table between us had a far greater personality. After the one-hour interview, one hour diner and one hour speech to the local Chamber, I had to work like hell to fill the 20 inches of copy required. I had to nudge the photographer a couple of times, who was nodding off. He booked after an hour.
I still remember the quote from my assistant editor, who accompanied me. "This is brutal, Greg! How are we supposed to make a story out of this? This guy has an extraordinary future in politically screwing this country for a long, long time."

Great quote from Boehner earlier today. "I didn't sign up to go mano a mano against Obama." What a fucking pussy.

Right now, I think the only hope the Republican party is for one of the Tea Party darlings (Cantor, Bachmann, Palin, Perry) to win the Republican primary. They had then better hope they get fucking trounced to historic proportions (an absolute disaster for them and the country as a whole would be a Tea Bagger getting the Oval Office). I mean, absolutely embarrassed. Perhaps then, sanity could take over the Republican party and once and for all bounce the Tea Baggers into their own fringe independent party of lunatics.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I blame em all...Democrats, Republicans and the ones in the middle. They can fix this, they just don't want to...it serves them no purpose if we prosper. Stop giving money to Israel, stop giving money to Africa, stop pissing away money on the failed war on drugs, and use it all to help the people in this country that need it, and pay our fucking debts. It isn't really hard to balance a check book...I do it and I spilled more drugs in high school, then most people took.

Just quit pointing fingers, stop whining like little bitches....AND DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS!!!
I blame em all...Democrats, Republicans and the ones in the middle. They can fix this, they just don't want to...it serves them no purpose if we prosper. Stop giving money to Israel, stop giving money to Africa, stop pissing away money on the failed war on drugs, and use it all to help the people in this country that need it, and pay our fucking debts. It isn't really hard to balance a check book...I do it and I spilled more drugs in high school, then most people took.

Just quit pointing fingers, stop whining like little bitches....AND DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS!!!

Amen. It's sad we even let these jackasses get us this far into debt! Of course, no one complains when they are getting free shit...

And for the record, only HALF of Americans even pay Federal taxes at all... WE should be the one's allowed to vote, and only us. If you live off the graces of others, you should have no say in how much you get... :2 cents:
I blame em all...Democrats, Republicans and the ones in the middle. They can fix this, they just don't want to...it serves them no purpose if we prosper. Stop giving money to Israel, stop giving money to Africa, stop pissing away money on the failed war on drugs, and use it all to help the people in this country that need it, and pay our fucking debts. It isn't really hard to balance a check book...I do it and I spilled more drugs in high school, then most people took.

Just quit pointing fingers, stop whining like little bitches....AND DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS!!!

Amen. It's sad we even let these jackasses get us this far into debt! Of course, no one complains when they are getting free shit...

And for the record, only HALF of Americans even pay Federal taxes at all... WE should be the one's allowed to vote, and only us. If you live off the graces of others, you should have no say in how much you get... :2 cents:

I tend to agree....I would say it's in the republicans interests to play politics on this as long as they possibly can.

The main thing...as sad as a commentary as this would be, from their perspective it keeps Obama off of the campaign trail and even though it's a drag on their poll numbers it's dragging on Obama's too.

At bottom, GOPers have to do something that gives the appearance that there were decisions they made which makes a difference to an economy already recovering. The economic recovery is happening...again as sad as it is they have to find a way to establish some point of demarcation so they have something to run on in the event the economy has turned fully...

Also in the worst, most pathetic case...they want to slow the economy in order to continue to have the economy is failing talking point and it would have continued to fail but for their interceding.

Sad but most likely true.
Here's the part that really confuses me. In most every poll I've seen, 6 in 10 Republicans are saying "Git R Done!"... and yet the GOP leadership is listening to the squeaky wheels in the TEA Party (who are a minority). :confused:

This has been the problem with the Tea Party all along. They are really just a nutty minority but the media is giving them so much coverage that it legitimizes them. The Tea Party is not as big as it seems it is just the media making it seem that way. But really this is good for democrats. The GOP will continue to cater to the Tea Party minority and get their asses voted right out of office in 2012. Can't wait.

Will E Worm

I won't. I will blame Obongo. ;)


Nearly 90% of Americans say Social Security and Medicare are good for the country and most say they should be left as they are.

They should be left alone. We pay into the Social Security system.

They should be cutting their spending and pay.

Also, all the "wars" should be stopped. Starting with Libya.

Then cut 100%: FEMA, DHS, NSA, and the ATF.


Torn & Frayed.
Just for the record;I'd like it known that I; as an American citizen, am not planning on blaming any one person nor do I do not give a flying fuck whose goddamn fault it is, just fucking fix it!!!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Both sides are acting like petulant five-year-olds. But at least the Republicans are offering a plan. All Nobama is offering is a veto if things don't look good to him.
For me, id blame both parties for putting ideology over the good of the country. This is one reason i despise politicians so much. I like the Tea Party's platform, i just dont like them for being standoff-ish about everything and their refusal to comprimise, which President Obama has been willing to do and has done. The Democrats are not blameless, the loons like Nancy Pelosi and her ideological followers will not back off their insistance that raising taxes is the only solution, Obama has already backed away from tax hikes in his renewal of the Bush tax cuts, and hes willling to do it again for this deal.

Its everyones fault if no deal gets done, not just the Republicans


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
No way Jose I am not paying more taxes for some Republican ceiling, God gave them two hands they should do their own work.
Besides the odd random person like will willeworm who never makes any sense we will all blame republicans come voting time.

Obamas speech last night about the debt ceiling was honest, straight forward and fair yet Boehner comes on like a childish idiot and blatantly lies about what has been going on. Let them dig themselves in the hole they belong in so we can get them all out of office come 2012.
Yeah both sides need to stop acting like little bitches and do what they were voted in to do, run the country god damn properly!!!