Poll on was Palin pick putting "Country First"?

Was McCain putting "Country First" with Palin pick?

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John McCain's campaign slogan is "country first" but in his first major decision as republican nominee he choose Sarah Palin as his runningmate.While the pick of her may have added some excitement to his ticket I think it was clearly more in trying to help him in his personal ambition to be president then in picking the best person to be possible president if something happened to McCain.That he was not putting "country first" but himself first with the selection of her as his number 2.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Hell no its not in the country's best interest. But then again since when does a politician really give a fuck about the country?
Its obviously just a ploy, to dupe the American people to vote for him, and to get a few of those militant Hillary fans who would vote for any woman put on the ballot. I suppose if it works it will be a stroke of genius, and then when he has a stroke she'll become the president.

Thats why I think I speak for 99% of the rest of the world in saying, vote for Obama please!!!!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The whole idea behind all campaign decisions is "what is best for the candidate"...not the country.

Unfortunately, that doesn't really change once they're elected.
Seeing as McCain wanted to select Joe Leiberman originally...and it took a phone call and threats from Karl Rove to get him to change his mind...Sarah Palin is a complete political calculation. Her choice was meant to delude the Pub base away from their misery and toward a "vision" of a beautiful, tough "hottie" in Gov't. It's not like the Vice President has any real, daily PUBLIC powers, so I don't understand how Palin will "clean up Washington" once McCain "unleashes her"...I'm not sure what he means by that. Veeps do have "private" power--*See Dick Cheney for further info on that.

I don't understand the talk about Palin convincing certain Hillary voters to vote for her. Unless the Pubs believe Hillary voters are idiots and since the only Hillary voters who aren't going to vote for Obama are southern, redneck racists...perhaps the Pubs have a point? A disillusioned Hillary voter won't vote in the election for either candidate. Even racists have self-interests to protect!


Closed Account
Seeing as McCain wanted to select Joe Leiberman originally...and it took a phone call and threats from Karl Rove to get him to change his mind...Sarah Palin is a complete political calculation. Her choice was meant to delude the Pub base away from their misery and toward a "vision" of a beautiful, tough "hottie" in Gov't. It's not like the Vice President has any real, daily PUBLIC powers, so I don't understand how Palin will "clean up Washington" once McCain "unleashes her"...I'm not sure what he means by that. Veeps do have "private" power--*See Dick Cheney for further info on that.

I don't understand the talk about Palin convincing certain Hillary voters to vote for her. Unless the Pubs believe Hillary voters are idiots and since the only Hillary voters who aren't going to vote for Obama are southern, redneck racists...perhaps the Pubs have a point? A disillusioned Hillary voter won't vote in the election for either candidate. Even racists have self-interests to protect!

Yeah I believe Obama/Biden have realized that Palin is a political calculation & they are no longer engaging her & the independent public is now seeing her for what she is. A religious zealot who believes abortion is murder(even in the case of rape or incest),one who has no problem looking right into the camera & telling verified lies(Bridge to nowhere) & who seems to be GEORGE BUSH, with lipstick;).

A few Hilary voters are still disgusted,but overall I think they realize what's at stake. Interesting that Hilary clinton's most enhusiastic crowds were the in the South(Kentucky,Miss.,Ten.,etc..)
However Obama had absolutely no chance whatsoever at winning ,as you so eloquently called them, the "Southern RED NECK" constituency anyhow. Those Former Southern Confederate states aren't going to vote for Obama ,but hopefully the more educated/open-minded Western & Northeast electorate can look beyond race & pettiness & get him the electoral votes he eeds.

McCain knows this is his last shot at the White House & is pulling out all the stops including trying to drag Obama down into the political muck with him by lying & pandering.