Politics? Sports? Politics? Sports?

Will E Worm

Partisan Hack :facepalm:


Hiliary 2020
They are losing even more money.

BACKFIRE: NFL Fans Demanding Refunds Over National Anthem Protest. And They're Getting Them.
Disrespectful national anthem protests have consequences.


The NFL losing money over this?
Um, no.
Most football people don't give a crap about this. If anything more will watch just to see the kneeling degenerates.
Why? Because Americans just want to sit on their obese fat asses, bodies covered in ugly tattoos and eat their wings watch a bunch of mostly degenerates bodies covered in tattoos too because society tells them this is normal.
The NFL will not lose money.
Yes tattoo people make me sick, in several ways.
They are losing ratings, money and endorsements.


September 12, 2016, 5:34 PM
Wow, talk about fresh news !

Also, we're talking here about some Kapernick team-mate, not the entire NFL. And ff course, all the players who recently took a knee knew what happened to Marshall, knew his lost some endorsements. Still, they choose to take a knee. Because, to them, protesting was more important than endorsements and that, tthe more of them would take a knee, the more difficult it would be for endorsements to pull back

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Television's LeVar Burton weighed in on this:

So I countered: But would Kunta Kinte have been as accurate as Tom Dempsey from 63 yards out?



Don't fuck with Geordi La Forge. :nono: Or any of the Enterprise crew. Or DS9 or Voyager for that matter. :nono::nono:

The NFL needs its fans a lot more than the fans need the NFL.

Commissioner Roger Goodell is just starting to figure this out as the decline in attendance and TV viewers continue to wane.

“Dilbert” cartoonist Scott Adams called it right. President Trump can’t lose this debate because “gravity is on his side.”

After Trump denounced the kneelers, more kneelers came out to virtue signal merely to ‘resist’ the president, thus enraging their fans even more. Too many players went full-SJW mode, apparently not caring that most of their fans do not support socialism, the Antifa or Black Lives Matter. They simply want to watch a football game and be entertained while suspending disbelief long enough to pretend that their support of their team somehow ties them in tribally with that team.

The kneelers shattered that illusion. Many fans began to realize they had nothing in common whatsoever with most of the spoiled millionaire players who continue to publicly display contempt for their country, their flag and their fans. (Now ex-fans) Why support players who hate you?

Roger Goodell showed abject weakness from the very beginning by not decisively punishing Kaepernick for kneeling during the anthem and now the subversive virus has spread. It remains to be seen if he will be able to quell the protests. Yes, we are guaranteed free speech in our Constitution, but that doesn’t mean we are guaranteed not to suffer the consequences of our free speech.

If an employee routinely insulted customers, his boss can fire him because he knows it hurts the business. How much more the NFL will suffer remains to be seen, but many fans will not return. After making his “every one should stand for the National Anthem “ statement, Roger Goodell said Wednesday that “there has been no policy change” regarding players standing for the national anthem before games. Yet another fumble by the NFL.

Trump’s swift kick to the NFL’s bottom line got their attention. Now will they stand to attention? Stay tooned.

—Ben Garrison


So tv ratings for this week's Monday Night Football game were down 17% from the prior week. Some players are threatening to retire if forced to stand. Since the NFL has decided to take a political stand, they should stand (or in this case, kneel) by their convictions and allow the protests to continue. So what if it's affecting their bottom line as their fan base are abandoning them in droves, there are more important things than money, right?

When you have fans in Green Bay and Pittsburgh burning their NFL jerseys, you know your league is in trouble.


Will E Worm

Some players are threatening to retire if forced to stand.

Good, let them.

Stop making millions of dollars for nothing.

Smart move. :facepalm:

No one said they were smart.

There are many people ready to take there jobs if they quit.

Titans WR Rishard Matthews says he will stop playing if NFL changes anthem rule in deleted tweet

Matthews, in the now deleted tweet wrote: "No I will be done playing football."


Standing by his convictions by deleting tweets. :facepalm:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Don't fuck with Geordi La Forge. :nono: Or any of the Enterprise crew. Or DS9 or Voyager for that matter. :nono::nono:


Only two months.
I like how in Star Trek, the CO of a ship beams down onto planets and engages in hand-to-hand combat with hostile life forms.

There apparently are no Marines in the Star Trek universe.
Hooeee yeah those NFL stadiums are practically empty

2017 Average attendance/ % of capacity
1 Dallas 92,793 116
2 Green Bay 78,355 107.4
3 Washington 77,904 85.0
4 NY Jets 77,562 94.0
5 NY Giants 77,188 93.6
6 Denver 76,717 100.8
7 Kansas City 74,779 97.4
8 Carolina 74,090 100.4
9 New Orleans1 73,168 100.3
10 Houston 71,783 101
11 Atlanta 71,049 94.7
12 Baltimore 70,865 99.8
13 San Francisco 70,178 102.4
14 Philadelphia 69,596 103.0
15 Tennessee 69,108 99.9
16 Buffalo 68,808 94.1
17 Seattle 68,800 102.7
18 Minnesota 66,575 91.2
19 Pittsburgh 66,104 101.7
20 New England 65,878 95.8
21 Cleveland 65,631 89.7
22 Miami 65,135 99.7
23 Arizona 64,611 101.9
24 Indianapolis 64,033 101.6
25 Detroit 62,828 97.4
26 Chicago 61,954 100.7
27 Jacksonville 61,709 91.9
28 Tampa Bay 61,677 94.0
29 Oakland 54,854 87.0
30 Cincinnati 53,521 81.7
Hooeee yeah those NFL stadiums are practically empty

yeah, no issue. then why the hand-wringing by the NFL owners and Goodell? Direct TV has issued refunds after the season has started which they wouldn't normally do. Those who left aren't coming back and it's just gonna get worse.

I quit watching after week 2. Last I heard, Raiders QB Derek Carr stood up for the National Anthem and some of his O-linemen made him pay.

fuck the NFL. we aren't a nation of pussy, America-hating leftists. And of those, they couldn't give two shits about the NFL.

CTE and Black Lives Matter. A winning combo.


Closed Account
The stadiums may not be practically empty and the ratings may or may not be down, but ...

"After the Arizona game, when the Cowboys marched out onto the field and knelt, then retreated to the sideline for the national anthem, the phones rang off the hook the following day at the Star from irate callers -- the folks who cheer the team and buy the tickets. Show some respect for your country and the flag, was the message."
