Roughneck: I agree with some of the principles of your ideas about property. They are very common ideas and honestly are the moral foundation of capitalism.
Given your response - I'm inclined to believe otherwise.
But I find the results of capitalism to be very immoral: extreme rich and extreme poor.
Yes - just keep dismissing the majority who DO form part of the "middle class". The same majority who profit from capitalism.
Keep dismissing the fact that more "poor people" buy from Wal-Mart because it is an affordable source of cheap goods.
The very fact that more people emigrate to the US than any other country should tell you something - but I guess it doesn't. All those folks who seek to emigrate to my country are "stupid, dumb, 'blinded sheep' idiots"; right Fox?
Assistance only given in the form of charity
This is the fundamental difference between someone like me and someone like you, Fox.
I consider "charity" to be one of the most humanistic and eternal ideals. Charity ENTAILS that a person
contribute of his/her own
FREE WILL to dictate or ensure that some cause receives support.
The American people have contributed more in charity than their government ever has. Example:
Estimated charitable giving reached $248.52 billion for 2004, a new record for philanthropic giving in the United States, the Giving USA Foundation announced today. The new Giving USA report released today is the 50th anniversary edition of the yearbook of philanthropy. Giving USA is published by the Giving USA Foundation and researched and written at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
Contributions made in 2004 for relief after the December 26 tsunami that devastated the regions surrounding the Indian Ocean are a very small portion of the estimated total, less than one-half of 1 percent. Much of the tsunami relief giving will appear in 2005, and, at between $1.5 billion and $2.5 billion, tsunami relief contributions likely will be a low percentage of the total estimated charitable contributions for that year.
"Charitable giving is the lifeblood of more than a million American nonprofits," said Henry (Hank) Goldstein, CFRE, chair of the Giving USA Foundation. "Contributions fund research in medicine and the social sciences, endow scholarships, support museums and orchestras, and so much more. A 5 percent increase suggests donors are 'over the hump' of the economic concerns that limited the growth of contributions in 2002 and even somewhat in 2003."
those who do not wish to help others never have to, those who wish to use their wits and previously established property to secure more property may continue to do so...
Yes. And it is their RIGHT to do so.
"Those who are rich and own property are not good people!
Fox, you don't ever think
twice about
forcing someone to conform to your beliefs! You moan all the time about how "americans are brainwashed into believing the 'propaganda machine' from the White House"... yet you fail to divulge HOW you know of this.... AND YOU ALSO FAIL TO PROVIDE A FUCKING ALTERNATIVE!
The War is going bad - wow! Needed a rocket scientist to figure THAT out!
So I would say that, like anything else: it doesn't work.
Since you seem to know a lot about it - why does it "not work" ?
It only works if everyone is as good and as fortunate as others at "playing the free trade game".
Why do you insist on diminishing those who made it up from the doldrums to a respectable top? Why are you convinced that free market capitalism CANNOT make "rags to riches" ... despite evidence to show OTHERWISE?
It assumes we start off on a level footing. We don't.
Actually WE DO. The free market differentiates NOT between "rich" "poor" "powerful" "handicapped", "deaf", "dumb" etc.
The "free market" differentiates between only TWO classes of folks/organisations ---- "profitable" and "unprofitable".
The rich make the rules, use free trade as their buzzword excuse for exploitation of the poor, and continue to get richer.
Your "buzzword excuse" has actually given millions of the poor an access to healthcare and a steady job which pays worth while wages.
I've asked you socialists Time and Time and Time again - would you rather be "poor" in America or would you rather be "poor" in one of them socialist nations?
I do not advocate communism
Sure you fucking don't - because you don't know what Communism actually IS.
but as you know, a mass democracy by which the majority of the people always get what they want, resultantly the poorer people have more of a say in where state money goes, and the moral horrors - imo - of capitalism, are avoided.
"a mass democracy by which the majority of the people always get what they want" also resulted in Adolf Hitler gaining power in Germany.
But I do understand the concept. Believe me. It is a very common one.
Bullshit Fox. You still haven't - and I suppose you never will - understand the concept. It IS NOT a very "common" concept.
Because if you DID understand the "concept", you would have 'responded' a lot
more clearly that when you did.....
The concept of socialism makes perfect sense as well. Things are never that simple.
Actually sometimes - Things ARE that simple! Socialism implies that "the individual is nothing but the collective is everything." Socialism imples that individuals are criminals.
Fox: You maybe perfectly happy and content in "covering" a "government" as regards your rights. Enjoy your 'dream world' Fox.....
Like I said before Fox - be happy in signing away your RIGHTS to others..... just don't expect me as a part of it.