Police Officer Hits 14-year-old Girl in Head with Taser

Fuck save us and bless us, I have no idea what's even happening with this guy. I mean, fleeing unarmed little girls do not warrant any kind of weapon usage. At all. She was just running away from zero fucking crime!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Honestly, who hits people with a taser? It's a little girl for fuck's sake. He'll be asked to step down, wait and see.
Why was she running away if she didn't do anything??

So many "police brutality" accidents could be avoided if people would just cooperate.
I dunno about over there, but there's some rigourous physical training before you can become a cop here, chasing a 14-year-old girl shouldn't be too hard after that.
I dunno about over there, but there's some rigourous physical training before you can become a cop here, chasing a 14-year-old girl shouldn't be too hard after that.

Ya before you become a cop. Do they have to maintain it? My friend's dad is a cop and he's a very large man.
i am flabbergasted. what's next? perhaps shooting a vehicle in the tires because it was 2 mph faster than the limit? I am at loss of words. :dunno: :wtf:


To be honest not as bad as that video I seen on bbc news....The Sheriff guy completely battering some girl just cause she kicked her shoe off at him. Ah well C'est la vie pigs are the same everywhere some of the people that get that job are in it to enjoy the abuse of power. Only thing them guys understand is a good mob beating them:p


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Why was she running away if she didn't do anything??

So many "police brutality" accidents could be avoided if people would just cooperate.

That's what I was thinking. And, why exactly did the mother take the girl to the police station? What exactly was "fighting" with her daughter? Was it a verbal disagreement or a physical altercation? Who knows? The story doesn't make anything very clear.

Also, the mother went to the police station looking for help. WELL...she got it. But, now she's bitching about it? Make up your mind, lady. Either you want your daughter to be handled by law enforcement or you don't.

Once again, it's almost impossible to tell what happened from the little information that was provided. I'm also a little suspicious of why she needed STAPLES put into her head where the taser barbs hit her. I have a 3" gash on my forearm and even that didn't need staples. So...either something else happened or this story isn't accurate.