How much you want to bet some anti-marijuana nutjob is going to use this as an example of why people shouldn't smoke weed.
Yet another reason for me to declare:
It is time to institute cruel and unsual punishment for cruel and unusual criminals.
Anyone got some good ideas for execution?
Whats wrong with fucking WOMEN. (
Probly can't get none and probly has a pin dick or something. Seriously, how the fuck could you even conjure to try to screw an infant? If someone did that to my niece you guys would see me on the evening news after I destroyed the savage while he sat in "his" chair.
Ok, even if you can't get laid, WHAT IS WRONG WITH USING YOUR HAND OR A POCKET PUSSY?!
Seriously, like how effing messed up in the head do you have to be to look at your hand, and then look at your sleeping son/daughter/niece/nephew/friends baby and go "hmmm yeah, lemme just rip off this diaper first..."
I will never understand it. I don't understand how people look at children as anything other than precious.
This has nothing to do with the state this happened in. Blame the person.