Pointless chatter + posting


In the spirit of the infamous "camoflague" thread by pakester

I got a new television today...:nanner:
Is it a special " Nova Network receiving" one ? ;)


I got a ticket on the autostrada today:(

But it was a factory car so I got reimbursed:nanner: and no points...
I came home from work at 2pm yesterday and went to bed. Slept until 2am, then had something to eat, then went back to bed and slept until 2pm. I'm asleep more than I'm awake. Shame I slept through work today though... ahem.
I had :love-smi: 1 hour ago, then :beer: and now I'm going to :sleep:

I ate 3 cheeseburgers and went to work when I got home I took a Giant BUMP
5 year old thread bumped. A new record.:bowdown::nanner::hatsoff::thumbsup: