plz help identify sex word

Dont forget that "She" posted both as a she and a he... She also had the account JC Marsh.

And if you read that thread too... you will clearly see that I brought it out to people's attention... got flamed... got proved right... have been apologized to... Probably will be apologized to this time.


Goblin said:
Your all just typing that because you think she is a woman.

Its funny how all the guys on this forum drop everything and ALWAYS side with a woman on the board. Its always the newer members too.

Well for those of you that are so befriended of LL... Let me just give you a recent history lesson of the kind of person that left right before she came. Her name was quote "Lisa" and she had quite a few different accounts on Freeones.

She would type a message as Lisa... Something along the lines of her dying or some stupid shit. And then she would change accounts and post about how they all feel sorry for her and what can they do. Well a few real members believed her.

When I said it was all bullshit I got flamed just like here, but in the end Freeones found her out and she and her accounts were banned.

This is the person Lord Raven brought up.

Im saying she reminds me of a guy because statistically speaking women don't talk like horn balls all the time unless they are a) really a man. b) EXTREMELY depressed with themselves c) really a nympho. or d) really a man.

Since really a man comes up twice... Thats what I think she is. Unless she wants to prove it with even a foot shot signed LadyLove or something.

Your all just falling for the same crap because you think she is a woman. Its typical of loser men to do this.

EDIT: And if she isn't a man she is mental in some way or another... Just because a person has the slightest bit of a thing to say wrong about you doesn't mean your "in their space."

Neither I or Raven said we wanted you to go. At the most all I said is that you need :helpme: . Sorting out your sexuality.


Let me advise of you of something before you really piss me off with this juvenile and retarded crap. Personally, I really don't care who you think is what or what you think is acceptable. It truly makes no difference to me in shape, form, or fucking fashion. Got it? Good.

Let me say this, though... since you elected to come back with a response to what I posted... no one - REPEAT: NO ONE - should have to justify a god-damned thing about who they are, what they are, or what the fuck they represent... ESPECIALLY on this board.

What YOU did, sir, can actually be considered a hate-crime in many ways. You made an assumption... and I called you out on it. You humiliated someone that I interact with on almost a daily basis. You are clueless when it comes to me. You have no idea who I am... where I've been... or what I believe. Ditto with the majority of the other board members.

I don't really give a flying fuck if you choose to believe whether she's male or female; gay, bisexual, straight, or whatever. But you made it PUBLIC. You chose to question someone's lifestyle in PUBLIC. What you said was humiliating, disrespectful, and above all else sexist. It was full of hate. I don't care how you meant it. I don't give a fuck if you were joking, being a smart-ass, or if you were actually fucking curious.

What you did - what you said, little boy - has no place on this Board. It's assholes like you - yes, I said asshole - that create problems. You go around casting out accusations wily-nily. WHO ARE YOU to demand justification???? Huh, can you tell me that, buddy-boy?



Poor, poor baby. You got flamed?! Kiss MY ass. You HUMILIATED someone in a public forum, dumb-ass. You wanna be FLAMED? Do you really? 'Cause I can start a war on here you wouldn't believe. Trust me. What the hell did you think YOU were doing when you questioned whether or not she was a woman??? Did ya do it just for grins? HUH? You ignorant ass.

I can make you cry, little boy. I used to eat Army boys like you for breakfast when I was in the Corps.

How would you like it if someone called in to question your MOMMA's sexual orientation or gender??? It's the same principle... or are you intelligent enough to understand that?

Don't... GOBLIN. I sincerely advise you to sit down, shut the fuck up, and apologize. What you did was wrong. And you know it. Otherwise you wouldn't have come back with such a lame-ass post.

As for your comment about anyone's sexuality and how "most" females don't talk like horn-balls... where the hell have you been, little boy? Don't get out much, huh? The women I know - and trust me, I know women - talk just like us. How incredibly fucking sexist are you? Your ignorance completely astounds me! They fuck and flirt just like men. What, are you living back in the 1800s or something?

Get a grip on life, soldier boy. Nobody owes you a goddamn thing. You're entitled to NOTHING.

You chose to take this route, GOBLIN. I defended a friend. I suggest you be a man and shut up. The lady owes you no kind of a justification. I suggest you leave it at that and apologize for the crass things you insinuated.
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Goblin said:

Dont forget that "She" posted both as a she and a he... She also had the account JC Marsh.

And if you read that thread too... you will clearly see that I brought it out to people's attention... got flamed... got proved right... have been apologized to... Probably will be apologized to this time.

I am aware of this. I'm also aware that at least one of Lisa's male aliases had some very strange fetishes... but that doesn't change my opinion on the subject either. I have many female friends, and I've discussed sex with many of them as well. You should hear what they're into... you'd never guess by just looking at them. :D
And... the reason why I decided to say something... is again... Everyone is freaking being so sickeningly mushy with someone they don't even know. I mean... I understand flirting, but this is ridiculous.

Everytime LL posts there are three of the same members posting crap behind her about how they want to bang her fucking eyes out. So I posted my opinion of her. Now if she wants to prove me wrong... all well and good, but until then I will stick with the statistics.

Internet + Social Environment + Man + Some Mind Disorder = Woman

All it takes is AOL and Man to make a woman when your using IMs. That said man not only undergos a sex change, but he loses 200 lbs and grows about 2 feet.


I suggest you read my rebuttal, GOBLIN. Your mouth is beginning to overload your ass, son. I don't care how you justify what you said, you were wrong.

It's none of your business. COMPRENDE??????????????

parker said:
I am aware of this. I'm also aware that at least one of Lisa's male aliases had some very strange fetishes... but that doesn't change my opinion on the subject either. I have many female friends, and I've discussed sex with many of them as well. You should hear what they're into... you'd never guess by just looking at them. :D

Lucky man!! :bowdown:


Closed Account
Your thong a little tight there Goblin ? Care for a midol ? I will not prove and do not have to prove a damn thing to you or anybody . Seems to me Mr Goblin .
she is a fellow psych major to boot
you need your first pro bono patient to be yourself . You have a problem , not I .Have to pick on the girls ? Can't handle the big boys even on the net huh ? My sexuality is none of your friggin business . I will say this though , I wish I were a man cause if I were , I would tear you a new asshole .


I have done nothing wrong to anyone on this board . Well , I have teased Raven , and sadly I was wrong in my thoughts that he was man enough to take it in the manner and humor in which it was given . He proved that by starting this . I thought him "a little " better than all the people have told me he was . :eek: Egg on my face . I was wrong . We had differences , thought it was behind us . Guess not . Don't give a damn either .
QBall1970 said:
I suggest you read my rebuttal, GOBLIN. Your mouth is beginning to overload your ass, son. I don't care how you justify what you said, you were wrong.

It's none of your business. COMPRENDE??????????????

LadyLove said:
Your thong a little tight there Goblin ? Care for a midol ? I will not prove and do not have to prove a damn thing to you or anybody . Seems to me Mr Goblin . you need your first pro bono patient to be yourself . You have a problem , not I .Have to pick on the girls ? Can't handle the big boys even on the net huh ? My sexuality is none of your friggin business . I will say this though , I wish I were a man cause if I were , I would tear you a new asshole .


I have done nothing wrong to anyone on this board . Well , I have teased Raven , and sadly I was wrong in my thoughts that he was man enough to take it in the manner and humor in which it was given . He proved that by starting this . I thought him "a little " better than all the people have told me he was . :eek: Egg on my face . I was wrong . We had differences , thought it was behind us . Guess not . Don't give a damn either .

:thefinger Man.
People keep tearing away at my posts like they are something to be read in different parts...

Read the second little section... Kinda a disclaimer. If Im wrong... Sorry, but I doubt Im wrong.

And on a message board that has suffered so much. Yes I require proof. And also... This switching posts from QBall and LL is kinda suspicious too.

Reminds me of another time this was happening and I was getting flamed for saying it.

Oh and by the way. I can say what I want to say where I want to say it. And the only thing that will stop me from saying what I think here is an Admin/Moderator saying its enough.

I just tell the facts sweet cheeks. I don't sugar them.


Closed Account
Paranoid much ? You know its a sad thing that you have to attack me and put me out there for several reasons .

One: you don't know me and my flirtations should not concern you at all , I wasn't bothering you . I was having fun on my dime .nothing to do with you or Raven .

Two: To judge someone by the actions of someone else is just plain wrong . I don't care what study you are doing in school. You have no degree or license

Three: I don't have any other account here and you "ARE" trying to put it in others heads that I do .

Four : If you think you're going to ever qualify to help people think again . I'm very stable , a little oversexed , but stable . If I had been a person with problems your accusations might very well have took me someplace I didn't need to go .

Five : Since I'm not a man or a member with several accounts , you may stop the Sybil shit now thank you .

All I did was post a funny post to get a few people to chuckle and I get this . Who is the one with the problem ? Huh Freud ?

I won't cause this board to suffer . Didn't know I was , sorry to everyone I have offended .
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Im not psycho analyzing you moron. Being able to identify gender has nothing to do with Psychology.

I am however... ending my comments here to abide by the rules of the forum.


Closed Account
Goblin said:
Im not psycho analyzing you moron. Being able to identify gender has nothing to do with Psychology.

I am however... ending my comments here to abide by the rules of the forum.

I will end it to with this , the calling me moron was uncalled for once again you stepped over the line , had you only said the rest of your post , I wouldn't have said anything and a reminder that you started it all . I will also point out the fact that I'm a better person than you , because after seeing the pic of you and your girlfriend in the thread , I have restrained from making any gender identity comments .

Thank you , have a good day :hatsoff: Peace
I wish people would stop trying to impress us with this psycho analytical bullshit.....its just showing off....Foxy is a psych major and doesnt show it off at all. Nobody is impressed by psycho analysis.....this is a fucking porn site for crying out loud. Who gives a flying fuck about members giving their psychological opinions of others?? NOBODY....Why does it bother some people so much if someone is a man or a woman? WHO and let live....if someone is on here to play games, who gives a crap? Lady Love is having fun, but some people have a need to take fun away from people, well THAT is what is really sad....she says she's a woman so leave her alone!!! Some people dont want to show everyone their picture and that is their choice....why do people need absolute proof? Because a person doesnt show their picture doesnt mean they are hiding something. Some people on this board need to sit back and just leave people alone......we are here to look at pics and stuff, and have fun. Now. bring on the flaming, im sure someone will "analyze" me and tell me how sad and pathetic i am, or something dumb like that....well bring it on, wont bother me a bit, cause in the end the ones that do it are the ones who need help. And a message to Lady Love...remember, its all just words, and words can be ignored.
Im not psycho analyzing you moron.

Anyone ever raise you with manners? Obviously not. :pukey:

O.k. I have NO desire to enter into this fray. None. But I MUST speak up here.

LadyLove is a woman. Female. NOT a man.

I have spoken with LadyLove not only in voice chat but also on the phone in regards to my own board and a few other things. She's a kind person and likes it here and on a few other boards. She's very sexual, yes. Most men LIKE a sexually-charged gal -- they don't insult them or run them away via crude and inappropriate rumor-mongering.

LadyLove is a woman. No doubt about it. She's a highly sexual woman, to boot. That's not so unusual at all if anyone would ever bother to get into the mind of a woman they know. They're as horny as any guy is, and they can be even raunchier.

Anyway, I'll lend LadyLove my aid here. She deserves respect, not aspersions, paranoid assumptions, and libelous posts.

She deserves an apology. da man!!!! LL does deserve a public apology in the fourm, she was insulted for no good reason by a few people looking to feed their egos, or make themselves feel superior , or maybe they are just stupid.....i cant say for sure since i DONT KNOW them....i can only speculate, but some people on here seem to think they know it all. Anyways i have talked to LL and shes a nice lady and didnt deserve all this BS.
Being a female member on this board, as well, I can say that it's sometimes difficult to stick around. It's not always intentional but sometimes this board isn't exactly woman-friendly. Someone once made a remark about me being Lisa, too, but Lisa was stupid and the same IP was on all of her accounts so don't you think that LL would have been banned by now? Neither LL or I are Lisa I personally know that LL is a woman, too. I just think that everyone needs to calm down and maybe move on from the whole Lisa ordeal.
I Agree 100% are wise beyond your years.......and sexy too.....hehehehe