please help me find the title of this movie.

can anyone help me with a adult movie im trying to find the name of.its from the 80s and in it it has a scene where a guys rips open the ladys spandex pants and says look at that pretty pink pussy. the start of the scene has a young man telling her ive got the polorids and she say i dont need any f---ing polorids ive got the real thing. i have only seen this once and cant remember the titke or the actors any help would be great.thank you. i have asked for help finding this movie from this scene but now one seems to know what the movie title is.please help thank you.
can anyone help me with a adult movie im trying to find the name of.its from the 80s and in it it has a scene where a guys rips open the ladys spandex pants and says look at that pretty pink pussy. the start of the scene has a young man telling her ive got the polorids and she say i dont need any f---ing polorids ive got the real thing. i have only seen this once and cant remember the titke or the actors any help would be great.thank you. i have asked for help finding this movie from this scene but now one seems to know what the movie title is.please help thank you.

scene request please help.thank you