PLEASE HELP(ISPs)are about to impose usage-based billing on YOU.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

as a former ISP customer service worker, I can say:

Usage-based tariffs have always been around. Back in the days of the 56k modems, it was based mainly on the time you were logged in, andEAY back in then, there was the factor (at least here in Europe) of WHEN you were dialing in. The late-night hours were the cheapest hours, and at business hours, it got really evil on your purse.

Later, after a lot of customers had access to ISDN, then DSL, we could offer flat rates. Of course, that was a bold move, as that caused customers to stay logged in and, as download managers allowed for 24/7 download queues, there came in the problem that these guys raped the ISPs hard, and the low-usage customers had to pay up for the power-users.

As we provided faster and faster DSL speeds, and as harddrives got bigger, companies put out a lot of new tariff models, among them the traffic-based ones. You could go for several packages, like 5 gigabytes, 10 gigabytes, you name it.

And the surplus usage got pretty costly, if you had no discipline. I remember a small company that seemd to have emule on all day, as the drivers where driving around, and the guys in the office leeched porn and software all day. They knocked down the included 10 GBs on 1 1/2 days, so go figure the behemoth of a bill they received. Talk about ruining yourself.

Well, we gave them a good will deal, and advised them to either to go for a flat rate or go easy on their up-/downloading. They were smart enough to follow that and went for the flat rate.

Problem is: These days, with computers and internet speeds, it is really extremely rough on the costs the companies have if there are too many customers who use peer-to-peer a lot.

You know, they have to buy their traffic, too and they have to calculate how much they buy to be able to satisfy their customers. And, just like the volume-based tariffs, when THEY exceed their bought traffic, they have to pay up some serious extra-cash, too

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I already have that, as do most other people who have satellite based high speed service. I think I'm allowed about 200 megs/day or 6 gigs a month +/-. I'll probably move to a more traditional high speed service next year. But I figure more of them will move to usage based (and not just speed based) pricing as things like internet capable TV's and digital movie downloads become more popular. Either they'll charge heavy users more or they'll charge everybody more.
I don't know how I feel about this. We use a lot as we run our business and our kids use and now download lots of stuff at home now but my parents barely use anything so though I don't want to pay more I really don't feel people like my parents should be paying for my usage either. That just isn't right in my book.
Fuck the Populace.
Provide for the Companies
Welcome to my world, lol.

Here in ROI, we're already running with usage meters.
We have tiered packages ranging from 1 GB a month all the way up to 120 GB.

We do also have so called ''Unlimited'' packages. However, in the fine print, Unlimited actually translates to a Fair Use limit of 250 GB.

Personally, that's more than enough for me but it is technically false advertising.

With more and more activity online though, together with the advent of HD content I imagine the CA ISPs will give everyone a fair shake and have widely varying packages available. :cool:
For all of our Canadian members here, I am truly sorry.
I deal with it on my iPhone. It is a fucking HASSLE!

I don't download illegal content/movies/music. But just from all the websurfing I do on pages with graphics, movies, sound, postings, emails...if I'm going to be charged for everything I do....maybe I will unplug. I'm not reading as many books as I used to.
What's worse is that there are hardly any choices when it comes to service. Usually there are one or two options, if even that, and if they have strict bandwidth rules you are screwed because you can't go to a competitor when they piss you off like you can when you buy a normal product. That's why they need regulations to make it fair to the people, because most of the time people either have to get service from a monopoly or sometimes a duopoly depending on their area. Things like 5gb download limits for a month that satellite and cell data services have are stupid. It’s just nothing but a rip off. Somebody could legally download one direct to drive game or one movie and take up most of their limit in that one thing.

It's still better than tiered pricing for types of info downloaded or companies restricting access on a non-net-neutral way.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.


Member, you member...
Too technical for the me is this.
Just send me my bill for $100 a month for my Net and cable.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Sounds like porn will become EXTREMELY expensive.
I pay 29.99/month for high speed DSL the rates never change + no meter