Playstation Plus!

Was it released with the update today? Haven't checked out the Store today so maybe i will if its on there.

When you long onto PSN,you will have to download the newest firmware update.When you go to the PS Store,it will be there.
I downloaded the update and looked around a little. I honestly don't see any reason to get Playstation Plus. I can still play other people online in Killzone 2 so what's the incentive? What Sony should have done is scrap the free service and charge for online multiplayer because if all people want to do is play other people online then why pay if it's free?

Oh sure, I can download Infamous and play for an hour before I have to buy it but I could also rent it at a low price and beat the game if I wanted to. Sure I can get Mortal Kombat II at a discounted price of $2.50 but $5.00 isn't going to break the bank. Sony should have scrapped the free online and moved it into Playstation Plus.
I downloaded the update and looked around a little. I honestly don't see any reason to get Playstation Plus. I can still play other people online in Killzone 2 so what's the incentive? What Sony should have done is scrap the free service and charge for online multiplayer because if all people want to do is play other people online then why pay if it's free?

Oh sure, I can download Infamous and play for an hour before I have to buy it but I could also rent it at a low price and beat the game if I wanted to. Sure I can get Mortal Kombat II at a discounted price of $2.50 but $5.00 isn't going to break the bank. Sony should have scrapped the free online and moved it into Playstation Plus.

Let's give it a month to see what some of the other stuff that comes with the service is before we automatically write it off.
Let's give it a month to see what some of the other stuff that comes with the service is before we automatically write it off.

I don't care if you give it a year. What does that have to do with Sony not charging for multiplayer?:confused::dunno:

The article that I posted even states that the "benefits are just icing and not essential" and the free service will remain unchanged. Charging for multiplayer might have been the best way to go.

The whole point of this for Sony was to make money for their system. Well, if you give me a free service that has the basics of what I need then why in the hell would I pay for something that's essentially not needed at all? I barely play online with the PS3 as it is. There is no incentive to pay for an add-on.
I don't care if you give it a year. What does that have to do with Sony not charging for multiplayer?:confused::dunno:

The article that I posted even states that the "benefits are just icing and not essential" and the free service will remain unchanged. Charging for multiplayer might have been the best way to go.

The whole point of this for Sony was to make money for their system. Well, if you give me a free service that has the basics of what I need then why in the hell would I pay for something that's essentially not needed at all? I barely play online with the PS3 as it is. There is no incentive to pay for an add-on.

Why would they want to piss off there customer base and start charging just to play online,especially when a good chunk of them are like you and barely play online multiplayer anyway?

I'm not sure that this is totally about turning over profit with a premium service,more than the premium service will subsidize the upkeep of their servers and some of the other "goodies" on PSN.Somebody's got to get paid,this is just helping out a little.

But remember,Sony themselves don't provide the servers for most of the multiplayer games in the first place,so why would they take a step back and start charging for hosting?Now if they would have followed suit with Microsoft and just started charging from day one,we wouldn't even be having this discussion,but as I said before,one of there main selling points for the console was the fact that you didn't have to worry about getting charged for playing with friends online.

The only thing they can really do is make sure that they have some cool content that's worth paying for.At this point it's early and I won't be getting it,but hey,you got a bajillion idiots that got suckered into getting a Wii,I'm sure there's already a good number of people who have signed up for PlayStation Plus already.
Im one of those bajillion idiots lol damn you smash bros.