Platform heels and my favorite porn position

Luckily for me platform heels are very common in porn. I love them and how they make a sexy woman even hotter 100 times over.

In porn I like watching women in platforms getting slammed while they're on their back with legs in the air. More specifically with her legs held together. issue I have with this is this postion isn't always in movies I find or it's in the scene but the camera is shooting without the heels in the camera or just the heels in the camera.

I tried sites specific for heel fetishes but even they're week on this offering. So I would like to ask for my heel loving brothers for help. If any of you have site suggestions or clips or such you can direct me and others too I would welcome it.
i second that, u usually have to just get lucky and find videos that the scene ends up seeing the heels in the air, even harder is seeing a heeljob with both platform heels on the dick, thats hard to find