Plasma TV's

Thanks for your interest, and for that matter thanks to everyone and your thoughtful responses.

Right now there's a premium on 1080p. I didn't expect to be looking for a new HD TV after such a short time. This has caught me unexpected and is out of budget, so under $2000 is an optomistic target.
Plasma sucks.

People I know have had problems with images burning onto their screen. Like when you watch a network and they got there logo on the bottom right corner

I have a Panasonic myself, and I love it. We have regular tv at our house, so the channels are always fuzzy, but HD channels are clear as crystal. I'd say if you have a bit of extra cash, and you watch a good amount of TV everyday along with movies/sports and the rest, it is worth the 2000 dollars.
I think I'm off Plasma, LCD looks like the way to go, but are smaller. On the rear projection, I think those replacement bulbs are outrageously expensive.
I don't think you should write off Plasmas, having one for a while now I've had no problems with those burning images. Although I'm sure there are many cases in which it has happened. Maybe you should just do some more research and find out which brands are dependable. Of course if you look at ones like Sony, those will dent your wallet for months.
Mitsubishi 62" 1080p(dosent even exisit yet cable and satilite only support 1080i ) best buy @ 2999.99 the BEST!:bowdown: its a DLP
arealous said:
I don't think you should write off Plasmas, having one for a while now I've had no problems with those burning images. Although I'm sure there are many cases in which it has happened. Maybe you should just do some more research and find out which brands are dependable. Of course if you look at ones like Sony, those will dent your wallet for months.

It's really been a learning experience. Local "Circut City" offered me a Sony Wega 56" display model for just under $1600. I didn't go back, I am off those expensive halogen bulbs, a rip.

Friend of mine also likes plasma, and especially now that the prices are coming down. I have to look more. After a 50", I don't know if I can really enjoy something smaller in a LCD at a premium price.
I ended up with a 42" Vizio LCD at a really good price. Smaller then what I wanted, but no reflections from sunny windows which was a problem before. Sound is good, although I could consider a smaller home theater 5.1 setup.
AFA said:
I ended up with a 42" Vizio LCD at a really good price. Smaller then what I wanted, but no reflections from sunny windows which was a problem before. Sound is good, although I could consider a smaller home theater 5.1 setup.

A Vizio eh? I have a fear of off names brands. But shopping online for tv's is so much different from actually seeing the tv.


what the fuck you lookin at?
seems to me LCD tv is the way to go. I don't have either plasma or LCD but after reading this thread I've decided to start looking into a LCD tv! What you guy's think about this one?

seems like it'd be a pretty good value to me! I am an avid video game enthusiast so with PS3 coming out this fall and xbox 360 already out I need to decide between those but will need a sweet tv for playing the games since the PS3 at least supports HDMI! Probably go with that and the tv in the link. Smaller than I'd like to get but yet much more affordable than what I really want!
Christmas_Ape said:
A Vizio eh? I have a fear of off names brands. But shopping online for tv's is so much different from actually seeing the tv.

They seem to have a real following. I didn't care for the 32 or 37" that much, but this is an upgrade to those.

Legzman said:
seems to me LCD tv is the way to go. I don't have either plasma or LCD but after reading this thread I've decided to start looking into a LCD tv! What you guy's think about this one?

seems like it'd be a pretty good value to me! I am an avid video game enthusiast so with PS3 coming out this fall and xbox 360 already out I need to decide between those but will need a sweet tv for playing the games since the PS3 at least supports HDMI! Probably go with that and the tv in the link. Smaller than I'd like to get but yet much more affordable than what I really want!

That's a rear projection, different then the flat panel LCD, and less money, but the Sony's I looked at in every type looked really good. I liked their Bravia flat panel LCD's the best but they were the most costly of all, 32, 40 and 46" were $1450, $2300, and $3500.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I must have missed something there any real difference in picture quality between rear projection and flat panel? The only difference I see is one you can hang on the wall and one you can't, personaly I don't care for a tv to hang on the wall to me that's where pictures go but that's just my opinion. So again is there any real difference besides that and obviously price???