Which do you guys think is better/worse and why.....any suggestions...and comments would be great thanks....
I have a family member who has a little money...
They built a movie theater in their house, with 2 LCD s on each side of the screen so they could watch football, etc while seeing a movie.
I found it hard to keep my eyes on the screen, the HighDef was so beautiful.
Throughout the house they have Plasma and LCDs, and the story is...Plasma has a much shorter lifespan than an LCD.
Plasma's can be hung over a fireplace. but either you have a lot of room for an LCD, or you build it into the wall. Plasma is quite thin, not so LCDs.
So, if ya fly your daughter to Paris to get her prom dress, get Plama.
If you got the space, and don't drive a 2006 Hummer, get the LCD.
(And they only make sense if you have HighDef.)
Everything is always so complicated. I have a RCA-TV, it comes on, is 27", nice color and the channels change. *shrug* gives me what I need. I just don't get into the, bigger, better, newer state of mind thingy.
I find I'm better off that way, because my delay getting on the technology bandwagon saves big bucks in the long run. Like DVD players everyone ran to get as soon as they came out. I stood by my VCR and by the time I got a DVD player they were $29.00 not $129.00 for the same one that works fine.
LCD is better by far! They don't burn out. You might have to replace a bulb but that's it. Plasmas deteriorate over time. Once they go out that's it. Time to go drop another couple grand on a new one! LCD is the way to go. Buy a plasma and you might as well just set cash on fire! Probably more entertaining and will last longer
Used to work for an electronic store, so here's what i can gather:
it all comes down to personal preference!
Both get VERY expensive as you go up in screen size.
Plasmas DO display blacks and grays much better than any other type of tv. However, there have been many complaints about images burning into the screen. If you like to play video games, DO NOT buy a plasma. Many problems were arising from tv stations having their logo on the bottom of the screen (usually lower right) and that image was burning into the screen. I don't remember if it was the manufacturer or the cable company, but they began shifting the image over buy a pixel or so and that seemed to prevent the burn-in.
Plasmas also require you to be positioned directly in front to get the best viewing angle. If you are seated off to the side, the picture looks darker. I have not noticed this in LCDs.
As you get a bigger screen, HD becomes more important. HD ready means you need an external box(which most people get with cable or satelite anyway). I think this is the best route. You'll also save a good amount of money too!
IMO, i say LCDs. theyare getting just as thin as plasmas, and i think the picture looks great. Sonys Bravia line has some incredible resolutions.
I have a 57'' rear projection widescreen HD set now. Looks good enough for now. DLPs look great, but some people see a rainboweffect in the screen. not everyone sees this, but for those who do, this puts these out of the question.