Pink Floyd Is The gReatest Band Of All Time.


Yes, one of the most important bands of the twentieth century.

Really, one of the most important ? :dunno: "Yes" ? I mean, they were certainly pioneers of progressive rock and all . . . and Steve Howe is obviously a magicial guitarist as seen here

I know what you meant, I'm just tweakin w/ your head ! -> :confused:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Pink Floyd would definitely make my top 5:

1) Beatles
2) Rolling Stones
3) Led Zeppelin
4) Pink Floyd
5) The Who

If you think PF is the greatest, that's fine. It's a totally subjective issue. There is no right or wrong answer.
Really, one of the most important ? :dunno: "Yes" ? I mean, they were certainly pioneers of progressive rock and all . . . and Steve Howe is obviously a magicial guitarist as seen here

I know what you meant, I'm just tweakin w/ your head ! -> :confused:

Dark Side at least is one of the most important (commercially - which could be seen as a really bad thing) albums.



Pink Floyd sucks. Sorry, it's true.

Spandau Ballet then ? :dunno:

You just don't like PF because they launched a counter offensive to help mobilize anti communist sentiment with their ''The Wall" album.

And spare me your ever so ''dark sarcasm'' ! :1orglaugh :p
I saw them live in '94. It was a great show. I wouldn't consider them the greatest band of all time though.
I saw them live in '94. It was a great show. I wouldn't consider them the greatest band of all time though.

I find that a hard, almost irresponsible question to answer. More importantly, what impact did bands have on music would be more apropriate. Then the Beatles would come in first' while Let it be and Imagine are some of my favorite tunes and Sgt. Peppers is an exceptional album (and I do have quite a few Beatles' discs) I can't find them as listenable on a regular basis as other bands.


I find that a hard, almost irresponsible question to answer. More importantly, what impact did bands have on music would be more apropriate. Then the Beatles would come in first' while Let it be and Imagine are some of my favorite tunes and Sgt. Peppers is an exceptional album (and I do have quite a few Beatles' discs) I can't find them as listenable on a regular basis as other bands.

''Imagine'' reminds me of marching orders of the far left if you ask me . . .
''no country, no religion, no possessions'' . .
:sing:''I hope some day we can all match a reefer, and the world will be uniform'' :sing: :pimpdaddy :1orglaugh


persona non grata
No, they´re not. Not even close, in fact i can think of about 20 garage rock/punk rock bands that are better (plus probably 50 blues/rock/metal bands).
''Imagine'' reminds me of marching orders of the far left if you ask me . . .
''no country, no religion, no possessions'' . .
:sing:''I hope some day we can all match a reefer, and the world will be uniform'' :sing: :pimpdaddy :1orglaugh

It is more the melody that I love. I'm a sucker for piano - such an intense instrument it can be when utilized right. The message was in many ways why he got assassinated (so the perp said, I think). It was a commie tune but again, but the structure and entirety of it is a classic.
They are certainly in the list of best/most influential bands of all time. Very cool.

I think they're particularly relevant right now, as the whole concept of "sonic collage" is coming back into vogue.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
One of the Greatest laser light show bands, but as far as greatest band of all time, that is to be determained.
I never understood why they are held in such high regard. They're not terrible, but they're not terribly outstanding, either.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
If you like music by people who can barely stand up on their own or talk they're still not the best. That would be Aerosmith. And they suck too. :thefinger: :banger:
I like PF, but they are not the best rock band of all time... I'd have to go Zeppelin on that one.