Piers Morgan Tonight

I finally watched my full episode of Piers Morgan Tonight (the guy who replaced Larry King) and while he does ask a couple interesting questions, this guy is a fucking idiot. He really tries to force an answer that he wants out of his guests. I watched the Ricky Gervais episode and I felt like I was watching a show on the E! channel.
What is an example?

I remember that inane commercial of his for the promoting of the show. It bugged the hell out of me. On The Soup it showed a clip of him and Oprah. Just from those tidbits I am not at all impressed. The interview of Larry King and Joe Jonas on TMZ was by far better looking than this.

Ah well. Success to him in future endeavors. Just this one is seemingly not one of them. Joy Behar will eat his balls within three months.

And I found this:


Not surprisingly, he doesn't care what people think of him (and for his part, Morgan poking fun at his '80s pop days, his weight and his current place in the pecking order of fame didn't phase Gervais one bit). Perhaps better than all of the screaming headlines and post-show analysis, Gervais understands that most people in Hollywood thought he was funny and most of his fans did, too. In many ways, this "controversy" over Gervais' performance is manufactured. Did he poke fun at people and did his jabs dig in deep? Sure. Were some stars offended -- sure, but very few of them really cried foul. Most went on the record as saying they laughed hard and were happy it wasn't directed at them.


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I only knew him from 'America's Got Talent', and he was painful to witness there.
I watched him interview Howard Stern. It was pathetic. Howard clearly agreed to be interview if certain questions weren't asked and Piers clearly agreed. How do you not even mention the fact that a side kick of 8 years tried to stab himself to death a year ago?

At one point he told Howard, "I bet your hung like a horse." He also gently tugged on Howard's hair to demonstrate that it isn't a wig (it's not, it's a weave!)

Horrible, but it's not like he's filling any big shoes

One of the most untalented odious slimy people i have ever had the misfortune to see on tv.Can`t think of anyone i would like to punch more.
I watched it 3 times to the point of nausea..........never again will I subject myself to that much pain and have no reward of pleasure later...........

Short of deporting Ricky Gervais and Piers Morgan to where they came from; I will never watch either again.
How to put this delicately....

Piers Morgan is a cunt.

Another example of the type of people that earn fame and fortune for effectively doing fuck all. A bi-product of the current British trend of media life-style role models where the most, deluded, retarded, wasteful and non-contriburiting fucking idiots gain overnight fame for being absolute losers on film and seemingly on queue.

What is so special about him that he claims hes "conquered england"?

You are a talk show host. You ask questions, try to look interested in the answers while people infinitely more famous than you pretend to be humbled to be sat on your show, even when 5 minute ago their own agents still cannot answer the question -

"Who the fuck is this english prick?"

While he might act all high and mighty, king of the air waves etc etc, you have as much claim to fame as the Katie Price and (What the fuck is her husbands name again? Seriously!) that covers the news papers daily.

You are a parasite who got lucky. America you can fucking have him and I hope the only thing you give him is a bullet in the back of his dumb shit, upper class, wanna be elitest shit eating grinning mug!
Does this mean we don't have to put up with him on the TV in the UK? I hope so!

I really wanted to say deport deport. If they're from the UK send them back. Revoke their work visas.

He probably came to the US because he was thrown out of the UK.
How long will he last? That's what I wanna know. Not long I hope.

Dude, it's CNN. It took a year for DL Hughley to finally lose his show and, I bet, most people are thinking, "DL Hughley had a show on CNN??"


Fox News, at 3 AM, beats CNN at 8 PM. Nobody watches that shit. CNN's notorious for picking horrible personalities to head shows and then keeping them there no matter how low the ratings get. Parker Spitzer...Really??

Producers don't get it; Americans have some weird masochistic desire to have British people tell them that they suck
(American Idol, America's Got Talent, Weakest Link, It's Me or the Dog) but we have no interest in seeing a Simon Cowell knockoff blow smoke up Oprah's fat ass for an hour.
To put this blunder in perspective, Pier's his second show (with Howard Stern, known to be a rare get and a ratings bonanza) had 1.27 million viewers. That dropped nearly half from the previous show with Oprah Winfrey (which had 2.1 million viewers).

Pretty fucking bad, eh? Now consider this:

Lifetime's made for TV movie, "The Craig's List Killer" premiered with 5.4 million viewers.

For those unaware of Lifetime, it's a basic cable channel that makes low budget anti-male movies featuring has-been TV stars from the 80s and 90s.

Here's a trailer:
