How to put this delicately....
Piers Morgan is a cunt.
Another example of the type of people that earn fame and fortune for effectively doing fuck all. A bi-product of the current British trend of media life-style role models where the most, deluded, retarded, wasteful and non-contriburiting fucking idiots gain overnight fame for being absolute losers on film and seemingly on queue.
What is so special about him that he claims hes "conquered england"?
You are a talk show host. You ask questions, try to look interested in the answers while people infinitely more famous than you pretend to be humbled to be sat on your show, even when 5 minute ago their own agents still cannot answer the question -
"Who the fuck is this english prick?"
While he might act all high and mighty, king of the air waves etc etc, you have as much claim to fame as the Katie Price and (What the fuck is her husbands name again? Seriously!) that covers the news papers daily.
You are a parasite who got lucky. America you can fucking have him and I hope the only thing you give him is a bullet in the back of his dumb shit, upper class, wanna be elitest shit eating grinning mug!