Jane Burgess
Official Checked Star Member
Here are some pics from the Phoenix Forum. Good time was had by all. Will post some more pictures.
It is a beautiful time of year in Arizona!
Are they planning on coming to the South,or Memphis in the near future
when and where was this and how did I not know about it?
Fuck Phoenix
haha. good one. yeah, sorry to rain on your parade. it looks like you had a good time and you are really cool people.
as long as you keep out the general populace of the area, you'll probably be OK.
I like all the creepy old dudes creeping about.
Oh wait, no I don't...
Sexy ladies though
Why does it seem that the webmaster events look more fun than avn?
You have to like the evil looking grip complete with redeye in the forth photo.
I have to say looking at all the guys there makes me realize how much I would never want to go to one of those things.
Those creepy old guys are lucky bastards that work with hot women all day. You do not have to be a hot guy to work behind the scenes in porn.