According to ChristianX, Phoenix is still in the hospital with "plumbing" problems and in quite a bit of pain.


Official Checked Star Member
Hey everyone.... so yes I am pretty messed up =(
No SEX for another 8 days... not from anything you'd think... but I am having to get a new IUD and not because it expired...
I had a fever of a 104 when the ambulance arrived at 5 in morning... sadly, JayJay, Miss. Sloan, and two others didn't respond to my text until it was too late!
I couldn't walk, cried my eyes out every 5 seconds, and surprising to me the only person who showed up to the hospital was none other than CX3...
You know it kinda shows me I give EVERY for my friends (or at least think they are or even care about me) but to not receive a text, fuck even a tweet was so heartbreaking...
There were others though that did and thank you very much..
I spent 5 days in the hospital... I hate hospitals especially when they don't know what's wrong, Christian stayed every second he wasn't shooting by my side... don't worry WOW is laptop available and I slept and just keep sleeping to be honest... I'm out for a bit... shit MIGHT BE a LONG LONG TIME!!!
I still love you guys.
Big kisses I'll keep ya posted!!