Phantom of the Paradise Finally On Blu-Ray!!!

I love this film! As a kid it came on the Z Channel and I've seen it over 20 times. Always preferred it over Rocky Horror as there are more elements of Horror and a darker soundtrack(created by Paul Williams). Brian DePalma directs. Atmosphere, film technique, imagery all done well.


"... My music is for Phoenix. Only she can sing it. Anyone else who tries, dies!"
Just came back from Amoeba Music in Hollywood. Got my Blu-ray of Phantom of the Paradise and also picked up the Criterion Blu-ray for Night Of The Hunter. So happy right now. Amoeba should hire special security guards trained in Nerd Rage.


"My cock is so fucking hard right now! That season of Battlestar Galactica has been out of print for 2 years 3 months and 12 days!"