PETA's Ambassador


People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals

petition to Queen Elizabeth II urging Britain's monarch to stop the use of bear pelts in making the tall black helmets worn by palace guards. The charity People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, said the former Baywatch star collected 200 signatures from fans in Britain and mailed the petition to Buckingham Palace on Friday. more>>>


Closed Account
Brovo to her . Every little effort put forth for the preservation of animals is a good one .

However I believe that Black Bears have to be thinned out from time to time to prevent migration to populated areas , the same as deer must be . Deer can cause much damage and loss of life in large numbers , when forced to populated areas searching for food to suvive . Herds must be thinned out on a regular basis. I feel the same about bears . We have limited the space for these animals to survive in a "normal" circle of life activity , so our help is needed . For their benifit as well as ours . To use pelts or any other parts of these animals is better I feel than not getting any benefit from the necessary action taken .As long as the pelts are coming from actions such as this , not just the sport or the greed , I feel it is acceptable . Like it or not , sometimes we must do things we don't want to for the good .


Closed Account
:dunno: Damn I'm really behind the eight ball in here all the time . I truly thought this was about a PETA issue . Not " HER " again . Kill me now . lol.
You ought to PM that guy who keeps posting a link to Britney Spears. I have a feeling the two of you would get along famously! ;)

Unless the two of you are really the same person... :D
I don't like PETA. And Im currently doing a research paper with them as the source for most of my information from their own website.

Not to long ago they gave kids at a McDonalds a "Unhappy" meal or something like that. Had plastic cow parts and was meant to scare the little kids.

They did the same thing at KFC with "Buckets of Blood."

And they even stooped so low as to distribute a comic before and after school (At School) titled "Your mommy kills animals" and it features a motherly figure looking hysteric and holding a bloody butcher knife over a bloody tortured looking rabbit. &id=
Australian stunner Annalise Braakensiek is doing something like that with a group against live sheep exports here in Australia, she is damn sexy! :nanner:


Vnuz said:
People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals

petition to Queen Elizabeth II urging Britain's monarch to stop the use of bear pelts in making the tall black helmets worn by palace guards. The charity People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, said the former Baywatch star collected 200 signatures from fans in Britain and mailed the petition to Buckingham Palace on Friday. more>>>

Does anyone think that Queen Elizabeth, one of the richest women in the world, is gonna give a darn what 200 people think?
If Pam Anderson put as much effort in picking her boyfriends as she puts (apparently) into PETA her kids would probably be alot better off. Not to mention their Mommy.