PETA Models?

A little off topic here, but I just have to say: I don't understand this country. Avarice, gluttony, wanton maliciousness? No problem. It's the American way. Measure the quality of your life by the amount of your check and don't worry about what lies in your wake. But a little sex? Oh my god, shutter the windows and hide the children. Jeez. Was that ad more than a little suggestive? Of course it was, but advertising has always known that sex sells, as long as it's hidden deep under the covers.

Yeah, and they don't want to show this beautifully shot ad with beautiful woman and healthy food during a sporting event where men ram into each other as hard as they can, which can render some of them paralyzed (and it has).

Sorry, guys, I don't know the names of the girls. I think the ad is great as it is and I just wanted to vent. Thanks for reading.