PETA embarrasses themselves once again

They actually make me want to kill animals for no reason at all

:thefinger @ PETA

Like the president doesn't have more worse things to worry about than flies. I can pretty much guarantee you that every member of PETA has killed some sort of insect at some point in there lives. What about little living micro-organisms that they kill every day just by showering or walking or cooking food, they are living things as well! What about bacterial viruses, PETA? Don't they deserve an equal chance at life?
I hope everyone in PETA gets mauled by a bear.

There are alot of animals that DO need protection. My hunting license fees and such protect a hell of alot more animals than those assbags ever will. I mean really? A fly? :thefinger :fight:
Damnit! Why didn't the starter of that thread use "PETA" or "fly" in the title of his thread! That's what I searched for to make sure one hadn't already been started!

To me, it's fair enough to start a separate thread on PETA since that thread is more about Obama going "ninja" on a fly.

But far be it from PETA to miss an opportunity to hijack a headline using of all things a fly to do so.

I just love how somewhere in their warped minds they see a president sitting for an interview holding a humane fly trapper..:1orglaugh
The title of this thread is incorrect.

In order to experience embarrassement you need to have humility.

PETA does not.

PETA is being stupid in this case. They do however do some good work. They just need to stick to real animal issues and not this silly stuff.

How do they justify their euthanasia policy ?
It's speaking out on trivial stuff like this that seriously undermines their credibility.

I guess they're against killing mosquitoes as well, even though they carry and spread diseases like Malaria and West Nile virus.:2 cents:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
PETA is one of the most hypocritical organizations in the world. They claim that they stand for the ethical treatment of animals, but I'm willing to bet that this "humane fly swatter" that they sent to Obama was manufactured in a plant that was built on land which was utterly destroyed, completely eliminating any trace of animal existence for miles and miles around. Yeah, that sounds ethical. :rolleyes:
Read the info they have out. :thumbsup:

I have.

I think that they cynically exploit the fact that people like to be on the "aren't bunnies lovely" bandwagon and only read their marketing material rather than their full manifesto.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I have.

I think that they cynically exploit the fact that people like to be on the "aren't bunnies lovely" bandwagon and only read their marketing material rather than their full manifesto.

Some do some don't. I have no idea what other people read and I am not going to assume about it. I am also not a PETA member. I do think they do some good work. Some things they blow way out of proportion.
Some do some don't. I have no idea what other people read and I am not going to assume about it. I am also not a PETA member. I do think they do some good work. Some things they blow way out of proportion.

I really don't see what good they do. We already have the Humane Society, Animal Protective Leagues, animal shelter, etc.

What does PETA add to the equation? A platform that subscribes to the notion that eating meat is murder???

What is there to talk about with these people after that?? Sending the POTUS a "humane" fly trapper in completely consistent and not surprising coming from these people.


Torn & Frayed.
...and they wonder why most people don't take them as any more than a sad joke.

I've said it before,and I'll say it again:

I'll take 'em seriously when they get Sonny Barger to stop wearing leather.
Based on this news report--it seems as if this "story" is nothing but a PR oppty for PETA. I don't think they really care about flies. They have "bigger fish to fry" (pun intended).

I think the slaughter of animals for furs is a worthy thing for PETA people to be politically active against.

I think they are one of the worst activist orgs around even though they make some valid points.

It would be harmful to humanity if we did not eat meat. But there are *humane* ways to treat animals. Whatever standards for food that comprise "kosher" probably should be adopted by everybody...