(What is below was written before my last post; please note that the reference to J.C. Simpson as "Kelly" may be incorrect, and is waiting to be confirmed.)
Glad to see you’re with us,
Netvideogirls, and hopefully you will not be shooing soon.
I feel like exploring the dynamics of the “Attack Girl” scenario further, since we have been making references to this offshoot of the web series.
Netvideogirls recently shared his feelings on a couple, for example, that he thought did not make the grade.
The fine points I will be raising really will not matter with most. I have noticed a recent “Attack” addition, and we have got
Xyla (Mandy Muse) and
Paola (Mercedes Carrera), two beauts who get it on with each other as well as with the man. What more should the porn-seeker need? In other words, who cares about the plot.
But I believe
Netvideogirls is a thinking man, and he values the fine points. One reason why the site,
Net Video Girls, has made a mark and an impression, is because more attention is paid to the reality of the situation.
I brought up the AVN in my last post – we can imagine how many male-producing players in the American porn industry have lost sight with reality, given how easy the women in their world can be. As a result, what we get with much of U.S. porn are women who throw themselves at the men.
The “Attack” concept was crystal-clear when it began: a female accomplice used to help persuade the deer caught in the headlights to have lesbian sex, and if we got really lucky, ultimately heterosexual sex.
In order to help the reality, it is good to know where the accomplice came from, and what her incentive is. She either boiled down to a woman from our hero’s private circles, or a former NVG conquest who was fooled first, let in on the gag, and then gladly became a willing participant in the corruption of others.
It’s not that the filmmaker needs to take the time to explain these details in any detail, we can usually gather them from the goings-on. When we can’t, the reality factor takes a bit of a hit.
Netvideogirls alluded to having no memory of
JC Simpson from the all-too-brief
“Kelly Attacks Jennifer” video; so highly ironic, given that she was one of the best… if not the best Attack Girl. Since he had no memory, we may assume his helper in this video played the part of a private friend, as she must not have had a “being broken in” episode of her own.
J.C. was great because she exuded a quiet authority, and was fully in command. The episode excelled, because the victim was resistant. (I still would appreciate it if
Netvideogirls sheds possible light on the actress who portrayed Jennifer as I once had asked; she was very good, as well.) In addition, J.C. never forgot to let the audience in on why she was there. The twinkle in her eye, and overall devilishness, helped to make the episode such a success.
In a previous post, I mentioned another lady whose name I couldn’t dig up, and I referred to her (I think) as “psychotically interesting.” She turned out to be
Sabrina, in the episode where
Denise was targeted. I’m assuming Sabrina was targeted previously, although I have no knowledge of her own episode. She was such a sociopath, we could readily believe she could become cooperative, once she learned that she was fooled the first time. She was not as effective as the “professional” J.C., because she was slobbering too much over her victim, but she was fun and aggressive, and she worked.
I also mentioned
Holly recently, wondering how good she was as the Attack Girl, and I had a chance to review her pair of attack videos. Now Holly – as played by
Hollyann (AKA
Miss Marie) - had got broken in before (thanks to Siri’s help; Siri, indirectly, served as the Attack Girl here), so we could imagine she accepted her victimization, and consented to playing along. (It would be nice to get a hint as to what her motivation could be. Since it was our hero who conquered her – ahh, those were the days – we can only assume she fell so head-over-heels, nothing else mattered. Like poor
Quincy, who would be willing to do just about anything.)
In the episode with
Jackie (AKA
Jessica, as played by
Riley Maddison; thanks to
The Shepard), Holly wasn’t too bad, showing some signs of assertiveness and intelligence; there have been far worse attackers, so Holly gets her due. Yet it was the second "Holly Attacks" video that was more exciting, and it’s not Holly who gets the credit, but another woman (referred to as the “executive producer," presumably recruited from private circles) whom our hero refers to as “hun.” I guess he meant “Attila,” because she had the cruel and no-holds-barred attitude an Attack Girl needs. A member recently commented on how turned on he got when “Hun” shoved the dildo inside poor
Tifanny’s mouth.
The Hun Moves in
When we get a victim to come in a second time, the set-up gets dangerous, and often disappointing. In
Camile (Abby Lee Brazil) Attacks
Lori (Marley Matthews), about the only thing lost-in-the-woods Camile has got going for her as an Attack Girl is that she sounds like tough
Rosie Perez. Both players are relegated to equal status, really; there is no “dominatrix.” Plus, there is no resistance. Lori immediately opens her legs and shows her vagina. (The same problems appear to be present in the recent show with Xyla and Paola.)
The psychology at work with “second visits” is that the victim needs to prove herself yet another time before the producers make up their minds. Actually, this “plot” can be effective, as there is kink value in a woman being so desperate as to be taken in a second time. A recent episode where the theme excelled was in a non-Attack video,
Auditions-HD’s "Kristy Returns"… because
Kristy’s character was naive and innocent. Wouldn’t alarm bells be ringing with most ladies during a second run, when she gave up all the first time?
The lack of resistance is unhelpful, although there is always a problem with showing too much resistance, given the thin line toward rape, and besides, we all want to get to the action as soon as possible. At least we should get some notion of
“What is going on??” An episode where this was done successfully was with
Jessica, who was attacked by
Nadia Styles. With the victim's "second visit" ones, there is often never any resistance, since we accept that the visitor has already become conditioned from her first time; this is what makes this variety susceptible to becoming regular, and unexceptional, porn.
I’m noticing a recent Attack video, featuring
Lexi. The freckled and eye popping (that is, in addition to popping your eyes, she has a tendency to pop her own) Lexi appeared in her own episode, and I have a feeling she is shown to “just be there” in the attack one. Question is… why? It’s not because she has fallen for the fellow, because none of the other interviewers or third-party “stunt cocks” have the charisma of our hero. Let’s not forget the last we saw Lexi, as played by
Madelyn Rose, she was promised to be considered for a role in the music video. I realize most don’t care, but it compromises the reality when there is no explanation. Best we can tell, she has been let in on the gag… but why would she go along, especially after learning she had been deceived and violated?
From what I can determine (via existing imagery), Lexi does not do a bad job of being an Attack Girl, displaying signs of aggression. Yet while I’m not saying it’s a bad idea to show Lexi having hetero sex again, when the accent shifts away from the latest victim, what we wind up with is an excuse to have routine sex with two women. This would not nearly be as bad if we were to establish Lexi as being victimized a second time… then it would be more of a pleasure to see her getting equal time.
A strength of
Net Video Girls, as opposed to most of lazily produced American pornography, is its willingness to address the intelligence of its audience. While it’s easy to get away with presenting regular porn with naked ladies having sex – since most porn patrons only think with their little brains – there is a hazard with neglecting the going of the extra mile, as far as providing the reasons.