Performer Guide


Now Shelby is the last (to date) in a long line of NVG women who reaches for the purple dildo, usually stationed underneath a nearby pillow, and then proceeds to pleasure herself with it. The question is, what sane woman would stick somebody else's strange dildo inside her most sensitive and fragile part? I mean, maybe after she dunked it into a vat of alcohol and left it there for half-an-hour, but even then, I don't think so...

Hate to break it to you, the girls don't just arrive when the camera starts. They have a meeting before shooting anything. Everything that happens is discussed and agreed upon. Sometimes they throw a curveball at them, but they know they will be Fucking on camera.
found a last name for Sofia, in the Halle attack AHD video, she be Sofia Slika, any help appreciated

May take awhile to get the link. don't think I saved it, but I'll look,,

there was a Candace that showed up to NVG and her BF clued her in after, then she came back the next day and did the NVG with her BF on cam, maybe they broke up ?
I don't think they were a CM shoot though
Know-way, the Candace your looking for here is really Cadence, just go back to the "new , old apartment" with a view of the Hollywood sign, fat eddie
Excellent, Fat Eddie; it actually occurred to me that the mystery end-of-2015 Candace from this page might actually be Ep 2015-08-21 - Cadence (with [NOBABE]Cadey Mercury[/NOBABE]), because NVG always gets names mixed up!

... vs. ...

Yes, she is wearing the same necklace, better apparent from the episode's thumbs. That confirms it.

The known Candaces:


Ep 2005.05, Ep 2012.04 ([NOBABE]Brooke Whispers[/NOBABE]), Ep 2012.28 ([NOBABE]Alannah Monroe[/NOBABE], returning twice), Ep 2XXX.XX (non-NVG photo of [NOBABE]Natalie Heart[/NOBABE])

So I am imagining the Candace story you provided ("There was a Candace that showed up to NVG and her BF clued her in after, then she came back the next day and did the NVG with her BF on cam, maybe they broke up ?") was one of the above Candaces. (Or maybe you were referring to Cadence.)

When I ran a search for "Sofia Slika porn," by the way, the only relevant hit I got (besides some goofy Russian sites) had you behind it.

Hate to break it to you, the girls don't just arrive when the camera starts. They have a meeting before shooting anything. Everything that happens is discussed and agreed upon. Sometimes they throw a curveball at them, but they know they will be Fucking on camera.

Sweetmullet, your response reminded me of the time Mr. NVG used his brand of humor on you, and you took him seriously. No need to break it to me that NVG is staged; even Mr. NVG is no longer making a pretense that the interviews are real. Naturally, these are film productions, where the actress is prepped before the cameras roll.

(And yet, within my "Purple Dildo" gag, there was some seriousness. Never mind that we know it's staged, what matters is the illusion of what we are seeing... which is a woman coming into a strange apartment, and having no qualms about using a dildo that was just lying around. What woman would use a communal dildo, even if they wash that thing? It would be like a man using another man's used condom.)

Yet I'm glad you opened this particular can of worms. While I was going through the NVG Disqus Board in order to spice up the guide I prepared (I was looking for juicy particulars, but that board is hard to wade through; a lot dwells on complaints, updates, and technical matters), I came across several anecdotes where Mr. NVG tried to maintain the reality. I just spent some time trying to dig up one example that had particularly struck me. I don't think I found it, but here's one that comes close:

"Chris... just has to man up when it comes to rejections. It gets challenging when some chick spits in your face and threatens to blow your house up and returns with 10 guys."

Even though Mr. NVG has made a point about turning over a new leaf by now trying to keep his word (on this board), maybe old habits die hard. Trying to put one over on someone lies at the essence of NVG, and here he's still trying to make it seem like these are women who are walking in the door as unsuspecting victims.

On this board, I recall we touched on this very subject, but he did not address the issue. Here was his response to Monsieur Markeypage's question: "...Talking about the 'reject' scenes, can you tell us more. As i'm not naive, i know your stories are mostly scripted, but most of the time you turn that in a way it' seems natural. Is it the case about 'rejection scenes', i mean, why decide that this girl is going to be a reject or not ... Love to hear more about that."


Sarah... the best "reject girl"

When his response included statements such as, "Turn a few lemons into a batch of rejection lemonade and serve up the failures," implying that the women came in from the cold, I pressed a few posts later by asking, "Huh? There's an implication there that these were 'real' women, and not those who were in on the gag."

Candace #3 with yellow strap did her BF on cam, she went home and told her BF she did a Calendar audition and he told her then it was a NVG shoot, he knew b/c he was a member, LOL

still looking for my link to Sofia,
Hate to break it to you, the girls don't just arrive when the camera starts. They have a meeting before shooting anything. Everything that happens is discussed and agreed upon. Sometimes they throw a curveball at them, but they know they will be Fucking on camera.

Been like that for years, ever since Joe Francis and Girls Gone Wild caused a bunch of new laws to pass that changed a bunch of rules about how porn company's have to negotiate and document contracts with performers. Pretty much killed genuine "casting" porn as a category.
If what I coincidentally had read not long ago about [NOBABE]"Girls Gone Wild"[/NOBABE] was at the heart of why that enterprise went belly up, some woman who had taken off her top did not sign a release and then sued for an exorbitant amount. These were "peripheral" ladies, like the extras or more-than-extras (who sexually offer more) in porn series such as [NOBABE]Dancing Bear[/NOBABE] and those college partying vehicles. When it comes to "casting" porn, however, was there ever a time when such porn depicted reality?

They all had to be set-ups, because, naturally, a producer must get releases. The only casting porn I believe to be legitimate is one that probably put [NOBABE]Ed Powers[/NOBABE] on the map, called "Bus Stop"... where it believably looked like he was picking up strange ladies off the street to entice them. (Within his persuasion patter, he would often tell the women they would need to sign releases. Naturally, this could have all been a set-up as well, but I bought it.) This process took a lot of trouble, and then he moved on to things like [NOBABE]"Dirty Debutantes"[/NOBABE] where the women evidently came from modeling agencies, already aware of what they would be in for. The second example I'm aware of is Pierre Woodman, where after the interviews he would secretly film the women in a bedroom having sex with him... but he would only publicly release the goings-on once he spoke with the ladies and got their permission, at least according to what he has claimed. (Certainly, this latter example comes from Europe, and is not subject to U.S. laws.)
It's that Pierre Woodman example I'm speaking of. GGW had so much shady goings-on about HOW they got their contracts signed for releases and the lawsuits that resulted, it lead to clear legal guidelines being put in place to deal with the aftermath of all of Joe Francis's type of bullshit. Remember those few years where NVG was barely uploading anything new from 2006-2008? That was around the same time as all the GGW controversies and the new legal requirements. I can't say their directly related, but it would be difficult to call it a coincidence.
Maybe it's just me, but I didn't enjoy Olivia that much. Not because she wasn't attractive, but because after the last set of posts, i just couldn't help seeing how fucking linear NVG has become. As I was watching it, I was totally distracted by how much it was like every other released NVG has mane over the last few of years. The entire thing just felt so static, following a set path of; open the door => check the id => wall => couch => strip => standing oral => bend over => wall full nude => laying back oral => masturbation => reciprocated oral => laying down fuck => doggy style => floor oral => cowgirl => final oral. It made me realize how much I missed the older NVG vids where each one was different in some way or another.
I just wish NVG would vary things up a bit is all. Less "follow the chart," a little more "Here are the pieces, let's do them in this order this time."
Yes but BRCC and ECG basically do the same without to much variation there, anyway its worked this long and any variation now someone could say the new idea was stolen from them, I sent Mike a link 1 time and he said "don't" so that was that, just saying
I need to ask, what's up with that girl Paisley's meth teeth?? Serious NVG? Couldn't find new talent so you picked someone up at Skid Row? I felt bad for Rose, who had to do her as well.