People these days!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

Yeah, this is just a sad thing. What a sick guy. I can't even joke about it. Perhaps if someone else is made of sterner stuff, they can lay down a punchline in here. :(

I'm sure there's a veal joke to be made but noone would laugh.

Three things.. microwaving your kid? Why? That's about as humane as dropping aid packages on afghanistan only to see it go to the extremist cells. Oh wait.

Two. Way to go with those lies, dickhead. You should've ran. I mean.. you're stupid so you'd still get caught.. but hey, here I am trying to make common sense and intelligence an assumed trait in every person. HAH! Not happening in America. ::sigh::

Three. A minister? ... ... Fucking religious assholes. Even if they dont kill their kids, I just.. ::sigh:: nevermind.

Oh, and for the record.. Fox if you dont wanna lower yourself to his level with talk of violence, I'll do it for ya. I mean.. I'll need a paycheck for services rendered, but sure. One less idiot in this world = a good thing.


Uh yeah . . there's a lesson in physics here . . place some of those teeny ants (2 mm size) in microwave and zap on full power for 30 secs.

Report on Conditions : ____________________________________

Now, A household fly
Report on Conditions : : ____________________________________

get back to me :tongue:

In summary - No, you'll not be able to kill the fleas on your chihuahua with the mw oven ! Not before the dog is dead ! The steam from the cooked dawg will kill the fleas, not the wavelength of the ovens 'lectrical config.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
You know, I can take and tolerate people's minds snapping when they're under a lot of stress, and them doing some pretty fucked up things, but what makes a man, a father nuke his infant child? If there was true justice in the world, he should be stuffed into a microwave just like he did to his child so he would know what he put his child through. The more I read and hear about these kinds of people, the more I'm starting to think that traditional justice just isn't good enough anymore.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You know, I can take and tolerate people's minds snapping when they're under a lot of stress, and them doing some pretty fucked up things, but what makes a man, a father nuke his infant child? If there was true justice in the world, he should be stuffed into a microwave just like he did to his child so he would know what he put his child through. The more I read and hear about these kinds of people, the more I'm starting to think that traditional justice just isn't good enough anymore.

By traditional justice do you mean the kind that happened in recent years.. like excruciatingly-long due process, tons of red tape.. and innocent until proven slightly less innocent?

Or.. did you mean TRADITIONAL justice where if they have good cause they throw you in the clink, try to make you confess and if you do then they hang ya in town square?


Take a Hit, Spunker!
By traditional justice do you mean the kind that happened in recent years.. like excruciatingly-long due process, tons of red tape.. and innocent until proven slightly less innocent?

Or.. did you mean TRADITIONAL justice where if they have good cause they throw you in the clink, try to make you confess and if you do then they hang ya in town square?

A little of the latter. All you hear is that people like him go to the looney bin and that's all. In this day and age that's justice. But for people like him, they don't need psychiatric help, they need to experience the thing they did to their victim.

An old example is when you're a kid and you're parents tell you don't put the penny in the light socket but you do it anyway. They then ask you if it hurts. That's their version of justice. You broke the rules, you paid the price and learned the lesson. In this case, what he did doesn't warrant mental help or just jail by itself, what he needs is to have the same thing happen to him so he knows how it feels and he has that fear in his head that he'll never do the same thing twice.

So what I'm trying to say is some people need unorthodox methods of justice to get the point across.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Aye. There have to be consequences for breaking those rules.

I mean.. I'm all for that eye-for-an-eye thing.. but it gets a bad rep from those middle eastern countries. An eye for an eye doesnt mean you steal.. you get your hand cut off. It means you stole.. now they take some of your items. You kill someone, you get killed. Not this prison bullshit, either. Sitting around wasting tax money, watching cable and occasional sodomy isnt paradise.. but I worked for my food and entertainment goddammit!
Thats absolutly disgusting, theses are the kind of people who make me want to change my stance on capital punishment. And it should be severly painful when it happens.
This is absolutely nauseating. What kind of a fucking asshole would do that to his own kid? Even in my worst asshole days this is something that would never have crossed my mind. And to think that he was applying to be a minister. Well, I think that some of the eye-for-an-eye doctrine that he was applying to preach should be administered to him. Actually, instead of microwaving him, they should dip his nut sack in a vat of lye, and then rub lemon and salt on the area.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I hate to say it cause I know you don't wanna hear it, but when we talk about murdering or torturing or putting this man in a microwave as punishment, we lower ourselves to his level, to some degree. What makes us civilized is that we can lock people away if they do horrific things like this, without acting in a similar violent way for retribution. I know it's sick, but try taking a breath and saying to yourself, "I wish no violence on this monster, instead, perhaps I can do something to help the millions of babies who need better laws and enforcement to protect them, or better support systems to sustain them, or better medication to save them from disease, etc." This is just how I feel about things. You don't have to try seeing it this way, but I think you would feel happy and peaceful if you did. There are better things to spend our energy on than exacting revenge. There are people that need our help. Revenge will not satisfy your soul, it will damage it. Constructive, positive thoughts bring you inner peace. :)

Extremely well-stated, Fox!



Take a Hit, Spunker!
Aye. There have to be consequences for breaking those rules.

I mean.. I'm all for that eye-for-an-eye thing.. but it gets a bad rep from those middle eastern countries. An eye for an eye doesnt mean you steal.. you get your hand cut off. It means you stole.. now they take some of your items. You kill someone, you get killed. Not this prison bullshit, either. Sitting around wasting tax money, watching cable and occasional sodomy isnt paradise.. but I worked for my food and entertainment goddammit!

Extremely well said!! :thumbsup:

I know another member said the complete opposite of this and that's fine. But when someone puts their kid in a microwave or kills one of their family members, what kind of justice would they want? Prison? So they can sit there for the rest of their liife and waste our dollars? Me, like you Torre, believe in the eye-for-an-eye routine. You steal from me, I cut your hand off. You kill my family, I kill yours. It's simple and it's fair. That's the thing with people these days, they're too soft. "Oh that person needs help, oh he needs counseling." FUCK THAT SHIT! The person that did the crime needs the same thing to happen to them.

The member here also said that making laws will help the kids and people against guys like the one who nuked his kid. Yes I agree with that, but to a degree it won't change things. It also would've put us on a lower level. Not true at all. Being too soft is what puts us on a lower lever because it shows we're too pussifed to do anything about it. What will change things and put us on a higher lever is affirmative action. That would put fear in their minds faster than just reading about some laws that were passed. Me personally, I'd change pretty damn quick if I saw some guy having his hand cut off instead of just knowing the laws got tougher. I'd never steal anything again because I value my hands. The middle eastern people have it down to a science. Over there, you know what 3-strikes-and-you're-out means? It means that someone is hopping around with no hands and one leg. That's the kind of justice that people need these days.


what the fuck you lookin at?
what the fuck? God damn, that is the most fucked up thing I've heard in a long time!
oh... my.... god.

I'm going to walk away from my keyboard now before I type a "war and peace" venting that gets me banned :)