People get ready....

lol @ trumpa loompa

You so witty!
How can anyone support the narcissistic, egomaniacal, thin skinned, childish, classless, ignorant, embarrassing, phony, amoral disinformation machine that currently occupies The White House?

I've said the same here for the most part, but I make the distinction between his personal shortcomings (which the left are fixated upon and a projection of their own) and actual policy. As a conservative, what policy has President Trump implemented that I would be opposed to? As a a conservative, he is my dream come true when it comes down to it.

Liberals are all about the stupid shit. because they are. They see the world through their stupid eyes as they wish it would be. President Trump sees the world as competitors to the United States, whether they're friends or not. Obama is a globalist fucking limp-wristed, mom-jean-wearing cuck. President Trump is a true leader.

America first. MAGA motherfuckers.

edit: I eat at IHOP twice a week!
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“President Trump”
They said it would never happen.
And they mourn over Hillary Clinton.

The left have been in perpetual meltdown mode because Trump is president and not

Hillary Rodham Clinton...

Think about that for a moment...

For over a year the unhinged left have lost their fucking minds that she is not president...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
“President Trump”
They said it would never happen.
And they mourn over Hillary Clinton

Your fantasy. The "meltdown" is over the enormity of Trump's personal lackings, a goodly amount of his policy and philosophy, as well as his possible criminality.
Funnily enough, I was just talking today with THE most liberal person I know. I mentioned reading predictions from several conservatives that Clinton would be the dem nominee again in 2020. She just rolled her eyes and said, "They really don't get it, do they? Nobody cares about Hillary anymore. Most of us didn't care much for her in 2016. All she was was the lesser of two evils."

edit: I'm not at my best right now, which is still better than most of you stupid motherfuckers.

Wow. Well, I have no interest in communicating with someone who addresses me that way.
When have I ever been disrespectful to you?
Your fantasy. The "meltdown" is over the enormity of Trump's personal lackings, a goodly amount of his policy and philosophy, as well as his possible criminality.
Funnily enough, I was just talking today with THE most liberal person I know. I mentioned reading predictions from several conservatives that Clinton would be the dem nominee again in 2020. She just rolled her eyes and said, "They really don't get it, do they? Nobody cares about Hillary anymore. Most of us didn't care much for her in 2016. All she was was the lesser of two evils

I don’t know who your friend is talking to, but I know of exactly zero people who believe she would ever sniff the nomination again. I wish she would get it though. Trump would stomp her this time around with 400 electoral votes.
“ Possible criminality” such as?
Hillary Clinton engaged in proven criminality.
Yet you don’t even seem phased by it. Personal lackngs :1orglaugh again look who you are hand wringing over and who would be the alternative.

Yeah yeah, we know, you don’t like her....

Dat recovery tho.
“ Possible criminality” such as?

Such as that which is being investigated.

Really enjoyed his Trump University scam too. Claims he NEVER settles but he sure did in that case. Blames it on a "mexican" judge who was born in Indiana. Jesus H. Christ...*shaking head*

Hillary Clinton engaged in proven criminality.

I must have missed that. Do we have a court document to that effect? Where is she imprisoned?
Such as that which is being investigated.

Really enjoyed his Trump University scam too. Claims he NEVER settles but he sure did in that case. Blames it on a "mexican" judge who was born in Indiana. Jesus H. Christ...*shaking head*

Hillary Clinton engaged in proven criminality.

I must have missed that. Do we have a court document to that effect? Where is she imprisoned?

You don’t think a Hispanic judge held a bias against Trump? I guess you think all FBI agents are non-partisan too.

Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act.
Kinda hard to get a conviction when you have a corrupt DOJ running cover for someone.
Stay tuned, as the title of this thread says,
People get ready.
You don’t think a Hispanic judge held a bias against Trump?

No I don't.
And I'm ashamed for Trump that he engaged in that reckless, baseless character assassination.
But then he does that routinely, so....:dunno:

I don't think he's a racist, but many do, and he sure teed himself up for such suspicion with the way he mangled that situation.
Comey said Trump wasn’t under investigation. He didn’t shut down the investigation,( which he could have done under the powers granted to the president under the constitution) he simply fired someone who worked in the executive branch.

The investigation is still ongoing. There is no obstruction.
Trump himself did say he fired Comey "because if the Russia thing". What else do you need than the very words of the Dear Leader you hold in such high estime ?

Yeah the investigation is still on. But Trump did try to stop it or slow it down.
Wether you succeed or fail, trying to commit a crime is criminal. Or maybe you want to release jihadis who failed to do terrorism, who've been arrested before they killed anyone...
Trump himself did say he fired Comey "because if the Russia thing". What else do you need than the very words of the Dear Leader you hold in such high estime ?

Yeah the investigation is still on. But Trump did try to stop it or slow it down.
Wether you succeed or fail, trying to commit a crime is criminal. Or maybe you want to release jihadis who failed to do terrorism, who've been arrested before they killed anyone...

Over and over and over.. this is getting pointless.

There was no obstruction because there was no crime established. With Watergate there was a break in.
He fired Comey because Sessions suggested that he fire Comey.

Trump has the power within the executive branch and granted by the constitution to fire anyone he wishes.
This has nothing to do with the memo, this is just you shooting '"Squirrel !"