Penis slang names

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
:sing: I wanna take a ride on your disco stick :sing: (I think she doesnt mean the dick huh?)

I kinda like Magic Stick :D

Some German ones:

Puller (also Pullermann)

(those were more terms used by kids and their parents)

In German pornos they mostly use


Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Cock N Balls!!! come on guys! You all know you cant leave out the balls!!!

Captain Wankie
Willy --- hehehe how masculine
Frankfurter if your german
"The dilsnick"
Hmmm, this may be kinda childish but... :rofl: How about crotch-cobra.
Good to see we Germans aren't the only ones with an excessive vocabulary when it comes to human genitalia. :D

:sing: I wanna take a ride on your disco stick :sing: (I think she doesnt mean the dick huh?)

I kinda like Magic Stick :D

Some German ones:

Puller (also Pullermann)

(those were more terms used by kids and their parents)

In German pornos they mostly use


Perhaps some more for my countrymen: I always liked Schniedelwutz, Fotzenhobel, Johannes, Außenminister (secretary of state), Lustknochen, Fleischpeitsche, Bubenspätzle, Fellstanze, Fleischflöte, Lümmel, Spaltentaucher, Donnerlunte, Nille, Quetschkomode or Gemächt.
Also could have some Army Linked words for it .. lol.. :
-My Cannon
-Little General

Yes Mr. Happy also sounds funny, but is he always happy ? mine is only happy when he sees a beautiful woman with great tits.
Space Mountain. Yeah it's an older ride, but it still has the longest lines in the park. Whhhoooooooo!