Dr. Gyro: Yup. Classy.
@ whalers90: I feel your pain, brother. I think if her members were honest with themselves (and I'm speaking about myself too) they'd be feeling the same thing.
So we have a cute girl (with tons of potential) that keeps the tap on drip-drip-drip instead of turning up the flow. To be fair though, what started out as teasing in skimpy clothes has now turned into open fingering and full-on toy insertion. I know that may not be progress by the accepted "norm" in adult modeling, but it is forward motion. It is at the pace that she is comfortable with, and why that is is anybody's guess (I'm not a psychologist).
Pattycake is coming up on her 10-year anniversary next Summer. I'd like to think she has it all thought out — the long arc of her career making sense as we look back from when she finally decides to make her site archive only. I'd like to think that she really does have some great surprises coming down the line (as she states in her post last month — and yes, I
do think it's her posting). I'd like to think she is not a sadistic sociopath, having given tens of thousands of men blue balls now since 2001, and that there will be some payoff that will satisfy her very loyal fans to the extent that the ten year journey will have meant something to them. Like her or dislike her, she has managed to stay relevant within her niche market for a very long time. With all relationships, even virtual ones, come compromises we have to live with.
@ redvidffum: think you're right — I like that puffy little pussy too!