I understand what you're saying and I agree, Patty does not show her intimate parts as much as many pornstars or models, like you said, that's the choice she made and we have to respect it. I don't want to contradict you but I will contradict you by saying that there are all bare shots available without any hiding, believe me.

I'm a member and I saw all of Patty's content, I know. There is lots of hiding, which is to be expected from a tease model but Patty also shows the goods, you just have to look because it's not in a majority of content But it's there, 100%.
As for frustration, people can be frustrated. I'm saying that it's a waste of time and that there are far more productive things to do than whine about an Internet model. With millions of girls spreading their pussys on websites such as Pornhub and doing DP, double anal, it's irrational to be frustrated because one girl won't do it.
I'm just exposing my point of view, in a very calm fashion. Everyone is free to do as they please, I'm sharing my wisdom.