Too much wine. Honesty abounds.
She's so heavy. And no, I'm not talking about her butt. She's got savvy. She's got humor. She's got slime. She's got my Beatles records, but I just can't prove it.
Most importantly, she's got my name, and that fucked me up from the first moment! *I* was Pattycake before she could hold a crayon and form her first needs. I think that's what got to me more than anything. But I digress.
P.C., you gotta marry me. We'll make great toons. Unless you've already got a Forghorn Leghorn of your own, and little cupcakes to call family. In that case, I'll just buy him a beer.
And, because I know you do...
I like this "Variation on a Theme" shit. I know you do too. And, I hope you know I love ya. You go, Miss Cake. Where you're going, I have no fucking idea....