Pattycake / Patty Cake

Holy shit! That chair's doing a dance of its own. I've let my tongue get outta control now and then, but that's crazy. I'm impressed.

So, did you end up getting a Great Dane after all?

this video is hilarious! she could be folding laundry for all we can see. maybe the towels smell REALLY good fresh out the dryer and thats why she looks so happy?

Yes, the Hitachi ZIP video is pretty awesome if you're into Pattycake. It is definitely the longest, most explicit video of this type she has ever released. There are multiple points throughout that you can fap to and be satisfied, not just waiting till the end. The end of the video does contain an additional scene that some may or may not like, depending on how you feel about her being --- well, you'll just have to see it. It would be unfair of me to reveal the nature of the scene --- needless to say I was a tad ambivalent about it having seen her do similar things in the past. All in all though a terrific offering and well worth (finally) the xtra cost --- IMHO anyway. :2 cents:
That one was actually funny :)

Pardon me? They're all funny with the right snacks. But, you always did like it better when I made myself the target.

ZenArcher, I'd never dream of hiding. Just changing with the times.

Burgers? I can't afford hamburger. I spend all my money keeping Pattycake in whiskey, rubber duckies and Duracells.

And by the way... If she ever does show it, don't look right in its eye. Voodoo.

"If I were kind and adoring, how would that be? Very boring..."