Seriously good discussion guys -- and with Pattycake too!! She has been a favorite of mine for many years and I have gone to bat for her many times. I think over the course of your masturbatory life you get into ruts and crave something new. Those just discovering Pattycake or coming back after a long period of absence have good things to look forward to -- myself, who has been there for every twist and turn of the pud see it somewhat differently and, yes, I think she's right -- those like me need a little time out from the cosplay routine for it to have any meaningful attraction again, and that's my plan. So farewell all you Patty lovers and haters. I am sure you think you know what she has in mind for you, but I would caution you to be too flippant about what's coming up next. I've always been surprised by the course she eventually takes.
From this:
to this:
to this:
is quite a progression, though some will never agree it was/is enough.
From this:
to this:
to this:
is quite a progression, though some will never agree it was/is enough.