Patricia Arquette: What's Her Deal?

Saw her name dropped here a couple times recently. Was it the teeth, the weird accent, she's getting bigger, or the fact you were surprised she's only 47.


"I heard some things. I heard a few things."


Closed Account
You forgot that her show CSI: Cyber is going nowhere fast. Well, at least from the 3 or so times that I tried to watch it.

So ... she's getting bigger, huh? Do you think maybe it's just that you have too big of a monitor? :1orglaugh
No, I didn't think so. :rofl2:
You forgot that her show CSI: Cyber is going nowhere fast. Well, at least from the 3 or so times that I tried to watch it.

So ... she's getting bigger, huh? Do you think maybe it's just that you have too big of a monitor? :1orglaugh
No, I didn't think so. :rofl2:

CSI: Cyber? I didn't even know that show existed. I wonder how cheesy that CSI is.

Patricia was a bit of a lady hoss in Boardwalk Empire.


Closed Account
Well, you better hurry up and check it out for curiosity's sake. Somehow I don't think CSI: Cyber will return for another season. But, I could be wrong. For all I know, 90% of everyone else here could be a CSI: Cyber Fan. :dunno:

I don't know if it's a weak supporting cast, a weak concept for a show ... or that despite I believe her having been fresh out of having won an Academy Award or something --- she just doesn't have the clout to be thrust the task of carrying a show. Maybe it's all of the above.
Well, you better hurry up and check it out for curiosity's sake. Somehow I don't think CSI: Cyber will return for another season. But, I could be wrong. For all I know, 90% of everyone else here could be a CSI: Cyber Fan. :dunno:

I don't know if it's a weak supporting cast, a weak concept for a show ... or that despite I believe her having been fresh out of having won an Academy Award or something --- she just doesn't have the clout to be thrust the task of carrying a show. Maybe it's all of the above.

I'd rather see True Romance: 22 Years Later with Patricia Arquette and Christian Slater just to see how those crazy kids turned out and the other hijinks they got caught in the middle of.


"Well I'll be darn. I tell 'ya this is the 37th suitcase full of narcotics that
I've accidentally ended up in the possession of in the last 8 months. Why does
this keep happening to me and who the heck do these drugs belong to?"

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Since the time she folded her legs up in the chair beside Dave Letterman years ago and went on a semi-retarded rant about some kind of moonbeam foolishness, I've always thought that she was a right proper twat (as our English friends here might say). But her fully retarded Oscar acceptance speech (hell, they'll give one of those little trophies to a talking chimp now days, won't they?) just cemented my feelings about her.

The whole family is flaky and weird. But at least Rosanna has some schweet coat-hanger nipples. And of the two, I think Rosanna is the better actress (on top of being much hotter).

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
She's okay. She's no god damned American treasure, though. And I've been reliably informed that she's kinda stupid. Actually I didn't need anyone to tell me she's stupid. She did that herself during her Oscar acceptance speech. Which I only read about because I'll never watch the Awards until Adam Sandler gets the recognition he deserves. That man is a god know where it's going.
Well, you better hurry up and check it out for curiosity's sake. Somehow I don't think CSI: Cyber will return for another season. But, I could be wrong. For all I know, 90% of everyone else here could be a CSI: Cyber Fan. :dunno:

I don't know if it's a weak supporting cast, a weak concept for a show ... or that despite I believe her having been fresh out of having won an Academy Award or something --- she just doesn't have the clout to be thrust the task of carrying a show. Maybe it's all of the above.

Yes CSI Cyber was renewed for a 2nd season and Ted Danson will be added to the cast.


Closed Account
Hmmm --- I don't know that adding Ted Danson to the CSI: Cyber cast will be a positive. Ted Danson was great on Cheers and somewhat entertaining on Becker. Elisabeth Shue was great on The Karate Kid. And I liked Jorja Fox on ER, but the ensemble of those 3 on the current version of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is CRAP. :eek: It's not even a shadow of a shadow of what the show used to be. It makes me want to see CSI: Cyber. :rofl2: